Thom space
Let ξ→X be a vector bundle over a topological space
X. Assume that ξ has a Riemannian metric. We can form its associated disk bundle D(ξ) and its associated sphere bundle S(ξ), by letting
D(ξ)={v∈ξ:∥v∥≤1},S(ξ)={v∈ξ:∥v∥=1}. |
The Thom space of ξ is defined to be the quotient space D(ξ)/S(ξ), obtained by taking the disk bundle and collapsing the sphere bundle to a point. Notice that this makes the Thom space naturally into a based topological space
Two common forms of notation for the Thom space are Th(ξ) and Xξ.
Remark 1
If ξ=X×ℝd is a trivial vector bundle, then its Thom space is homeomorphic to ΣdX+, where X+ stands for X with an added disjoint basepoint, and Σd stands for the based suspension iterated d times. Thus, we may think of Xξ as a “twisted suspension” of X+.
Remark 2
If X is compact, then Xξ is homeomorphic as a based space to the one-point compactification of ξ. Even if X is not compact, Xξ can be obtained by doing a one-point compactification on each fiber and then collapsing the resulting section
of points at infinity to a point.
Remark 3
The choice of Riemannian metric on ξ does not change the homeomorphism type of Xξ, and, by the previous remark, the Thom space can be described without reference to associated disk and sphere bundles.
Title | Thom space |
Canonical name | ThomSpace |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:40:46 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:40:46 |
Owner | antonio (1116) |
Last modified by | antonio (1116) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | antonio (1116) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 57R22 |
Classification | msc 55R25 |
Defines | Thom space |
Defines | disk bundle |
Defines | sphere bundle |