topologically transitive
A continuous surjection f on a topological space X to itself
is topologically transitive if for every
pair of open sets U and V in X there is an integer n>0
such that fn(U)∩V≠∅, where fn denotes the n-th iterate of f.
If for every pair of open sets U and V there is an integer N such that fn(U)∩V≠∅ for each n>N, we say that f is topologically mixing.
If X is a compact metric space, then f is topologically transitive if and only if there exists a point x∈X with a dense orbit, i.e. such that 𝒪(x,f)={fn(x):n∈ℕ} is dense in X.
Title | topologically transitive |
Canonical name | TopologicallyTransitive |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:41:05 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:41:05 |
Owner | Koro (127) |
Last modified by | Koro (127) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | Koro (127) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 37B99 |
Classification | msc 54H20 |
Defines | topologically mixing |
Defines | topological mixing |