uniqueness of measures extended from a π-system
The following theorem allows measures to be uniquely defined by specifying their values on a π-system (http://planetmath.org/PiSystem) instead of having to specify the measure of every possible measurable set
. For example, the collection
of open intervals (a,b)⊆ℝ forms a π-system generating the Borel σ-algebra (http://planetmath.org/BorelSigmaAlgebra) and consequently the Lebesgue measure
μ is uniquely defined by the equality μ((a,b))=b-a.
Let λ, μ be measures on a measurable space (X,A). Suppose that A is a π-system on X generating A such that λ=μ on A and that there exists a sequence Sn∈A with ⋃∞n=1Sn=X and λ(Sn)<∞. Then, λ=μ.
Choose any T∈A such that λ(T)<∞ and set ℬ={S∈𝒜:λ(S∩T)=μ(S∩T)}. For any S∈A, S∩T∈A and the requirement that λ,μ agree on A gives S∈ℬ, so ℬ contains A. We show that ℬ is a Dynkin system in order to apply Dynkin’s lemma. It is clear that X∈ℬ. Suppose that S1⊆S2 are in ℬ. Then, the additivity of λ and μ gives
λ((S2∖S1)∩T)=λ(S2∩T)-λ(S1∩T)=μ(S2∩T)-μ(S1∩T)=μ((S2∖S1)∩T) |
and therefore S2∖S1∈ℬ. Now suppose that Sn is an increasing sequence of sets in ℬ increasing to S⊆X. Then, monotone convergence of λ and μ gives
λ(S∩T)=limn→∞λ(Sn∩T)=limn→∞μ(Sn∩T)=λ(S∩T), |
so S∈ℬ and ℬ is a Dynkin system containing A. By Dynkin’s lemma this shows that ℬ contains σ(A)=𝒜.
We have shown that λ(S∩T)=μ(S∩T) for any S∈𝒜 and T∈A with λ(T)<∞. In the particular case where X∈A and λ,μ are finite measures then it follows that λ(S)=μ(S) simply by taking T=X. More generally, choose a sequence of sets Tn∈A satisfying λ(Tn)<∞ and ⋃nTn=X. For any S∈𝒜, Sn≡(S∩Tn)∖⋃n-1m=1Tm is a pairwise disjoint sequence of sets in 𝒜 with Sn⊆Tn and ⋃nSn=S. So, λ(Sn)=μ(Sn) and the countable additivity of λ and μ gives
λ(S)=∑nλ(Sn)=∑nμ(Sn)=μ(S). |
Title | uniqueness of measures extended from a π-system |
Canonical name | UniquenessOfMeasuresExtendedFromApisystem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:33:08 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:33:08 |
Owner | gel (22282) |
Last modified by | gel (22282) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | gel (22282) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 28A12 |
Related topic | LebesgueMeasure |
Related topic | DynkinsLemma |