Definition 1
Let X be a scheme over a field k. Then X is said to be an abstract variety over k if it is integral, separated, and of finite type over k. Usually we simply say X is a variety. If X is proper over k, it is said to be complete. If the dimension
of X is one, then X is said to be a curve.
Some authors also require k to be algebraically closed, and some authors require curves to be nonsingular.
Calling X a variety would appear to conflict with the preexisting notion of an affine ( or projective variety. However, it can be shown that if k is algebraically closed, then there is an equivalence of categories between affine abstract varieties over k and affine varieties over k, and another between projective abstract varieties over k and projective varieties over k.
This equivalence of categories identifies an abstract variety with the set of its k-points; this can be thought of as simply ignoring all the generic points. In the other direction, it identifies an affine variety with the prime spectrum of its coordinate ring: the variety in 𝔸n defined by the ideal
⟨f1,…,fm⟩ |
is identified with
Speck[X1,…,Xn]/⟨f1,…,fm⟩. |
A projective variety is identified as the gluing together of the affine varieties obtained by taking the complements of hyperplanes. To see this, suppose we have a projective variety in ℙn given by the homogeneous ideal ⟨f1,…,fm⟩. If we delete the hyperplane Xi=0, then we obtain an affine variety: let Tj=Xj/Xi; then the affine variety is the set of common zeros of
⟨f1(T0,…,Tn),…,fm(T0,…,Tn)⟩. |
In this way, we can get n+1 overlapping affine varieties that cover our original projective variety. Using the theory of schemes, we can glue these affine varieties together to get a scheme; the result will be projective.
For more on this, see Hartshorne’s book Algebraic Geometry; see the bibliography for algebraic geometry for more resources.
Title | variety |
Canonical name | Variety |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:16:43 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:16:43 |
Owner | mps (409) |
Last modified by | mps (409) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | mps (409) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 14-00 |
Synonym | abstract variety |
Related topic | Scheme |
Related topic | AffineVariety |
Related topic | ProjectiveVariety |
Defines | complete |
Defines | curve |