zeroes of analytic functions are isolated
The zeroes of a non-constant analytic function on ℂ are isolated.
Let f be an analytic function
defined in some domain D⊂ℂ and
let f(z0)=0 for some z0∈D. Because f is analytic,
there is a Taylor series
expansion for f around z0 which
converges on an open disk |z-z0|<R. Write it as
f(z)=Σ∞n=kan(z-z0)n, with ak≠0 and k>0
(ak is the first non-zero term).
One can factor the series so that
f(z)=(z-z0)kΣ∞n=0an+k(z-z0)n and define
g(z)=Σ∞n=0an+k(z-z0)n so that f(z)=(z-z0)kg(z).
Observe that g(z) is analytic on |z-z0|<R.
To show that z0 is an isolated zero of f, we must find ϵ>0 so that f is non-zero on 0<|z-z0|<ϵ. It is enough to find ϵ>0 so that g is non-zero on |z-z0|<ϵ by the relation f(z)=(z-z0)kg(z). Because g(z) is analytic, it is continuous at z0. Notice that g(z0)=ak≠0, so there exists an ϵ>0 so that for all z with |z-z0|<ϵ it follows that |g(z)-ak|<|ak|2. This implies that g(z) is non-zero in this set.
Title | zeroes of analytic functions are isolated |
Canonical name | ZeroesOfAnalyticFunctionsAreIsolated |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:38:10 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:38:10 |
Owner | brianbirgen (2180) |
Last modified by | brianbirgen (2180) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | brianbirgen (2180) |
Entry type | Result |
Classification | msc 30C15 |
Synonym | zeros of analytic functions are isolated |
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