examples of compact spaces
Here are some examples of compact spaces (http://planetmath.org/Compact):
The unit interval [0,1] is compact. This follows from the Heine-Borel Theorem. Proving that theorem is about as hard as proving directly that [0,1] is compact. The half-open interval (0,1] is not compact: the open cover (1/n,1] for n=1,2,… does not have a finite subcover.
Again from the Heine-Borel Theorem, we see that the closed unit ball
of any finite-dimensional normed vector space
is compact. This is not true for infinite dimensions
; in fact, a normed vector space is finite-dimensional if and only if its closed unit ball is compact.
Any finite topological space is compact.
Consider the set 2ℕ of all infinite sequences with entries in {0,1}. We can turn it into a metric space by defining d((xn),(yn))=1/k, where k is the smallest index such that xk≠yk (if there is no such index, then the two sequences are the same, and we define their distance to be zero). Then 2ℕ is a compact space, a consequence of Tychonoff
’s theorem. In fact, 2ℕ is homeomorphic
to the Cantor set (which is compact by Heine-Borel). This construction can be performed for any finite set, not just {0,1}.
Consider the set K of all functions f:ℝ→[0,1] and defined a topology
on K so that a sequence (fn) in K converges towards f∈K if and only if (fn(x)) converges towards f(x) for all x∈ℝ. (There is only one such topology; it is called the topology of pointwise convergence). Then K is a compact topological space, again a consequence of Tychonoff’s theorem.
Take any set X, and define the cofinite topology
on X by declaring a subset of X to be open if and only if it is empty or its complement is finite. Then X is a compact topological space.
The prime spectrum of any commutative ring with the Zariski topology
is a compact space important in algebraic geometry
. These prime spectra are almost never Hausdorff spaces.
If H is a Hilbert space
and A:H→H is a continuous linear operator, then the spectrum of A is a compact subset of ℂ. If H is infinite-dimensional, then any compact subset of ℂ arises in this manner from some continuous linear operator A on H.
If 𝒜 is a complex C*-algebra
which is commutative
and contains a one, then the set X of all non-zero algebra homomorphisms ϕ:𝒜→ℂ carries a natural topology (the weak-* topology) which turns it into a compact Hausdorff space. 𝒜 is isomorphic
to the C*-algebra of continuous complex-valued functions on X with the supremum norm.
Any profinite group is compact Hausdorff: finite discrete spaces are compact Hausdorff, therefore their product
is compact Hausdorff, and a profinite group is a closed subset of such a product.
Any locally compact Hausdorff space
can be turned into a compact space by adding a single point to it (Alexandroff one-point compactification (http://planetmath.org/AlexandrovOnePointCompactification)). The one-point compactification of ℝ is homeomorphic to the circle S1; the one-point compactification of ℝ2 is homeomorphic to the sphere S2. Using the one-point compactification, one can also easily construct compact spaces which are not Hausdorff, by starting with a non-Hausdorff space.
Other non-Hausdorff compact spaces are given by the left order topology (or right order topology) on bounded
totally ordered sets
Title | examples of compact spaces |
Canonical name | ExamplesOfCompactSpaces |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:48:47 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:48:47 |
Owner | yark (2760) |
Last modified by | yark (2760) |
Numerical id | 16 |
Author | yark (2760) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 54D30 |
Related topic | TopologicalSpace |