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Binary Relations

Before describing what a relationMathworldPlanetmath is generally, let us define a more specific kind of a relation: a binary relation. Basically, a binary relation R involves objects coming from two collectionsMathworldPlanetmath A,B, where the objects are paired up so that each pair consists of an object from A, and an object from B.

More formally, a binary relation is a subset R of the Cartesian product ( of two sets A and B. One may write


to indicate that the ordered pairMathworldPlanetmath (a,b) is an element of R. A subset of A×A is simply called a binary relation on A. If R is a binary relation on A, then we write


to mean a1Ra2,a2Ra3,, and an-1Ran.

Given a binary relation RA×B, the domain dom(R) of R is the set of elements in A forming parts of the pairs in R. In other words,


and the range ran(R) of R is the set of parts of pairs of R coming from B:

ran(R):={yB(x,y)R for some xA}.

An example of a binary relation is the less-than relation on the integers, i.e., < ×. (1,2) <, but (2,1) <.


  1. 1.

    In set theoryMathworldPlanetmath, a binary relation is simply a set of ordered pairs (of sets or classes, depending on the axiom system used). Notice that, unlike the previous definition, sets (or classes) A and B are not specified in advance. Given a (binary) relation R, the domain of R is the set (or class) of elements a such that aRb for some b, and the range of R is the set (or class) or elements b such that aRb for some a. The union and the domain and the range of R is called the field of R.

  2. 2.

    It may be possible to define a relation over a class. For example, if 𝒞 is the class of all sets, then can be thought of as a binary relation on 𝒞.

  3. 3.

    In term rewriting theory, a binary relation on a set is sometimes called a reduction, and is written . This is to signify that ab means that the element a is being “reduced” to b via .

Arbitrary Relations

From the definition of a binary relation, we can easily generalize it to that of an arbitrary relation. Since a binary relation involves two sets, an arbitrary relation involves an arbitrary collection of sets. More specifically, a relation R is a subset of some Cartesian product ( of a collection of sets. In symbol, this is


where each Ai is a set, indexed by some set I.

From this more general definition, we see that a binary relation is just a relation where I has two elements. In addition, an n-ary relation is a relation where the cardinality of I is n (n finite). In symbol, we have


It is not hard to see that any n-ary relation where n>1 can be viewed as a binary relation in n-1 different ways, for


where j ranges from 1 through n-1.

A common name for a 3-ary relation is a ternary relation. It is also possible to have a 1-ary relation, or commonly known as a unary relation, which is nothing but a subset of some set.


  1. 1.

    Following from the first remark from the previous sectionPlanetmathPlanetmath, relations of higher arity can be inductively defined: for n>1, an (n+1)-ary relation is a binary relation whose domain is an n-ary relation. In this setting, a “unary relation” and relations whose arity is of “arbitrary” cardinality are not defined.

  2. 2.

    A relation can also be viewed as a function (which itself is a relation). Let RA:=iIAi. As a subset of A, R can be identified with the characteristic functionMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath


    where χR(x)=1 iff xR and χR(x)=0 otherwise. Therefore, an n-ary relation is equivalentMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath to an (n+1)-ary characteristic function. From this, one may say that a 0-ary, or a nullary relation is a unary characteristic function. In other words, a nullary relation is just a an element in {0,1} (or truth/falsity).

Title relation
Canonical name Relation
Date of creation 2013-03-22 11:43:28
Last modified on 2013-03-22 11:43:28
Owner CWoo (3771)
Last modified by CWoo (3771)
Numerical id 33
Author CWoo (3771)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 08A02
Classification msc 03E20
Classification msc 82C35
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Defines unary relation
Defines binary relation
Defines ternary relation
Defines n-ary relation
Defines domain
Defines range
Defines nullary relation
Defines field