semimartingale convergence implies ucp convergence

Let (Ξ©,β„±,(β„±t)tβˆˆπ”½,β„™) be a filtered probability space. On the space of cadlag adapted processes, the semimartingale topology is stronger than ucp convergence.


Let Xn be a sequence of cadlag adapted processes converging to X in the semimartingale topology. Then, Xn converges ucp to X.

To show this, suppose that Xn→X in the semimartingale topology, and define the stopping times τn by

Ο„n=inf⁑{tβ‰₯0:|Xtn-Xt|β‰₯Ο΅} (1)

(hitting times are stopping times). Then, letting ΞΎtn be the simple predictable process 1{t≀τn},


in probability as nβ†’βˆž. However, note that whenever |Xsn-Xs|>Ο΅ for some s<t then τ≀s<t and |XΟ„nn-XΟ„n|β‰₯Ο΅. So


as nβ†’βˆž, proving ucp convergence.

As a minor technical point, note that the result that the hitting times Ο„n are stopping times requires the filtration to be at least universally complete. However, this condition is not needed. It is easily shown that semimartingale convergence is not affected by passing to the completionPlanetmathPlanetmath ( of the filtered probability space or, alternatively, it is enough to define the stopping times in (1) by restricting Ο„n to finite but suitably dense subsetsPlanetmathPlanetmath of [0,t] and using the right-continuity of the processes.

Title semimartingale convergence implies ucp convergence
Canonical name SemimartingaleConvergenceImpliesUcpConvergence
Date of creation 2013-03-22 18:40:44
Last modified on 2013-03-22 18:40:44
Owner gel (22282)
Last modified by gel (22282)
Numerical id 5
Author gel (22282)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 60H05
Classification msc 60G48
Classification msc 60G07