bilinear form
Let U,V,W be vector spaces over a field K. A bilinear map
is a function B:U×V→W such that
the map x↦B(x,y) from U to W is linear for each y∈V
the map y↦B(x,y) from V to W is linear for each x∈U.
That is, B is bilinear if it is linear in each parameter, taken separately.
Bilinear forms.
A bilinear form is a bilinear map B:V×V→K. A
W-valued bilinear form is a bilinear map B:V×V→W. One
often encounters bilinear forms with additional assumptions. A
bilinear form is called
if B(x,y)=B(y,x), x,y∈V;
skew-symmetric if B(x,y)=-B(y,x), x,y∈V;
alternating if B(x,x)=0, x∈V.
By expanding B(x+y,x+y)=0, we can show alternating implies skew-symmetric. Further if K is not of characteristic 2, then skew-symmetric implies alternating.
Left and Right Maps.
Let B:U×V→W be a bilinear map. We may identify B with the
linear map B⊗:U⊗V→W (see tensor product). We may
also identify B with the linear maps
BL:U→L(V,W),BL(x)(y)=B(x,y),x∈U,y∈V; | ||
BR:V→L(U,W),BR(y)(x)=B(x,y),x∈U,y∈V. |
called the left and right map, respectively.
Next, suppose that B:V×V→K is a bilinear form. Then both BL and BR are linear maps from V to V*, the dual vector space of V. We can therefore say that B is symmetric if and only if BL=BR and that B is anti-symmetric if and only if BL=-BR. If V is finite-dimensional, we can identify V and V**, and assert that BL=(BR)*; the left and right maps are, in fact, dual homomorphisms.
Let B:U×V→K be a bilinear form, and suppose that U,V are
finite dimensional. One can show that rankBL=rankBR. We call
this integer rankB, the of B.
Applying the rank-nullity theorem to both the left and right maps
gives the following results:
We say that is non-degenerate if both the left and right map are non-degenerate. Note that in for to be non-degenerate it is necessary that . If this holds, then is non-degenerate if and only if is equal to .
Orthogonal complements.
Let be a bilinear form, and let be a
subspace. The left and right orthogonal complements
of are
subspaces defined as follows:
We may also realize by considering the linear map obtained as the composition of and the dual homomorphism . Indeed, . An analogous statement can be made for .
Next, suppose that is non-degenerate. By the rank-nullity theorem we have that
Therefore, if is non-degenerate, then
Indeed, more can be said if is either symmetric or skew-symmetric. In this case, we actually have
We say that is a non-degenerate subspace relative to
if the restriction of to is non-degenerate. Thus,
is a non-degenerate subspace if and only if ,
and also . Hence, if is non-degenerate
and if is a non-degenerate
subspace, we have
Finally, note that if
is positive-definite, then is necessarily non-degenerate and
that every subspace is non-degenerate. In this way we arrive at the
following well-known result: if is positive-definite inner product
space, then
for every subspace .
Let be a non-degenerate bilinear
form, and let be a linear endomorphism. We define the
right adjoint to be the unique linear map such that
Letting denote the dual homomorphism, we also have
Similarly, we define the left adjoint by
We then have
If is either symmetric or skew-symmetric, then , and we simply use to refer to the adjoint homomorphism.
Additional remarks.
if is a symmetric, non-degenerate bilinear form, then the adjoint
is represented, relative to an orthogonal basis (if one exists), by the matrix transpose.
If is a symmetric, non-degenerate bilinear form then is then said to be a normal operator (with respect to ) if commutes with its adjoint .
An matrix may be regarded as a bilinear form over . Two such matrices, and , are said to be congruent if there exists an invertible
such that .
The identity matrix
, on gives the standard Euclidean
inner product
on .
Title | bilinear form |
Canonical name | BilinearForm |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:14:02 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:14:02 |
Owner | rmilson (146) |
Last modified by | rmilson (146) |
Numerical id | 54 |
Author | rmilson (146) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 47A07 |
Classification | msc 11E39 |
Classification | msc 15A63 |
Synonym | bilinear |
Related topic | DualityWithRespectToANonDegenerateBilinearForm |
Related topic | BilinearMap |
Related topic | Multilinear |
Related topic | SkewSymmetricBilinearForm |
Related topic | SymmetricBilinearForm |
Related topic | NonDegenerateBilinearForm |
Defines | rank of bilinear form |
Defines | left map |
Defines | right map |