greatest common divisor
Let a and b be given integers, with at least one of them different from zero. The greatest common divisor of a and b, denoted by gcd(a,b), is the positive integer d satisfying
d∣a and d∣b,
if c∣a and c∣b, then c∣d.
More intuitively, the greatest common divisor is the largest integer dividing both a and b.
For example, gcd(345,135)=15, gcd(-7,-21)=7, gcd(18,0)=18, and gcd(44,97)=1
Given two (rational) integers, one can construct their gcd via Euclidean algorithm. Once the gcd is found, it can be written as a linear combination
of the two integers. That is, for any two integers a and b, we have gcd(a,b)=ra+sb for some integers r and s. This expression is known as the Bezout identity
One can generalize the notion of a gcd of two integers into a gcd of two elements in a commutative ring. However, given two elements in a general commutative ring, even an integral domain, a gcd may not exist. For example, in ℤ[x2,x3], a gcd for the elements x5 and x6 does not exist, for x2 and x3 are both common divisors of x5 and x6, but neither one divides another.
The idea of the gcd of two integers can be generalized in another direction: to the gcd of a non-empty set of integers. If S is a non-empty set of integers, then the gcd of S, is a positive integer d such that
d∣a for all a∈S,
if c∣a,∀a∈S, then c∣d.
We denote d=gcd(S).
If ∅≠T⊆S⊆ℤ, then gcd(S)∣gcd(T).
For any ∅≠S⊆ℤ, there is a finite subset T⊆S such that gcd(T)=gcd(S).
Title | greatest common divisor |
Canonical name | GreatestCommonDivisor |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 11:46:50 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 11:46:50 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 22 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 11-00 |
Classification | msc 03E20 |
Classification | msc 06F25 |
Synonym | gcd |
Synonym | greatest common factor |
Synonym | highest common factor |
Synonym | hcf |
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