Algebraic K-theory
Algebraic K-theory is a series of functors
on the category of rings.
Broadly speaking, it classifies ring invariants, i.e. ring properties that are Morita invariant.
The functor K0
Let R be a ring and denote by M∞(R) the algebraic direct limit of matrix algebras Mn(R) under the embeddings
The zeroth K-group of R, K0(R), is the Grothendieck group (abelian group
of formal differences
) of idempotents
in M∞(R) up to similarity transformations.
Let p∈Mm(R) and q∈Mn(R) be two idempotents.
The sum of their equivalence classes
[p] and [q] is the equivalence class of their direct sum
[p]+[q]=[p⊕q] where p⊕q=diag(p,q)∈Mm+n(R).
Equivalently, one can work with finitely generated projective modules over R.
The functor K1
Denote by GL∞(R) the direct limit of general linear groups GLn(R) under the embeddings
Give GL∞(R) the direct limit topology, i.e. a subset U of GL∞(R) is open if and only if
U∩GLn(R) is an open subset of GLn(R), for all n.
The first K-group of R, K1(R), is the abelianisation of GL∞(R), i.e.
K1(R)=GL∞(R)/[GL∞(R),GL∞(R)]. |
Note that this is the same as K1(R)=H1(GL∞(R),ℤ), the first group homology group (with integer coefficients).
The functor K2
Let En(R) be the elementary subgroup of GLn(R).
That is, the group generated by the elementary n×n matrices eij(r), r∈R,
where eij(r) is the matrix with ones on the diagonals, the value r in row i, column j
and zeros elsewhere.
Denote by E∞(R) the direct limit of the En(R) using the construction above (note E∞(R) is a subgroup of GL∞(R)).
The second K-group of R, K2(R), is the second group homology group (with integer coefficients) of E∞(R),
K2(R)=H2(E∞(R),ℤ). |
Higher K-functors
Higher K-groups are defined using the Quillen plus construction,
Kalgn(R)=πn(BGL∞(R)+), | (1) |
where BGL∞(R) is the classifying space of GL∞(R).
Rough sketch of suspension:
ΣR=Σℤ⊗ℤR | (2) |
where Σℤ=Cℤ/Jℤ. The cone, Cℤ, is the set of infinite matrices with integral coefficients that have a finite number of non-trivial elements on each row and column. The ideal Jℤ consists of those matrices that have only finitely many non-trivial coefficients.
Ki(R)≅Ki+1(ΣR) | (3) |
Algebraic K-theory has a product structure,
Ki(R)⊗Kj(S)→Ki+j(R⊗S). | (4) |
- 1 H. Inassaridze, Algebraic K-theory. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
- 2 Jean-Louis Loday, Cyclic Homology. Springer-Verlag, 1992.
Title | Algebraic K-theory |
Canonical name | AlgebraicKtheory |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:31:32 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:31:32 |
Owner | mhale (572) |
Last modified by | mhale (572) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | mhale (572) |
Entry type | Topic |
Classification | msc 19-00 |
Classification | msc 18F25 |
Related topic | KTheory |
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