Grothendieck group
Let S be an abelian semigroup.
The Grothendieck group of S is K(S)=S×S/∼,
where ∼ is the equivalence relation:
(s,t)∼(u,v) if there exists r∈S such that s+v+r=t+u+r.
This is indeed an abelian group
with zero element
(s,s) (any s∈S), inverse
-(s,t)=(t,s) and addition given by
It is common to use the suggestive notation t-s for (t,s).
The Grothendieck group construction is a functor from the category
of abelian semigroups to the category of abelian groups.
A morphism
f:S→T induces a morphism K(f):K(S)→K(T)
which sends an element (s+,s-)∈K(S) to (f(s+),f(s-))∈K(T).
Example 1
Let (N,+) be the semigroup of natural numbers with composition given by addition.
Then, K(N,+)=Z.
Example 2
Let (Z-{0},×) be the semigroup of non-zero integers with composition given by multiplication. Then, K(Z-{0},×)=(Q-{0},×).
Example 3
Let G be an abelian group, then K(G)≅G via the identification (g,h)↔g-h (or (g,h)↔gh-1 if G is multiplicative).
Let C be a (essentially small) symmetric monoidal category. Its Grothendieck group is K([C]), i.e. the Grothendieck group of the isomorphism classes of objects of C.
Title | Grothendieck group |
Canonical name | GrothendieckGroup |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:38:24 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:38:24 |
Owner | mhale (572) |
Last modified by | mhale (572) |
Numerical id | 11 |
Author | mhale (572) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 16E20 |
Classification | msc 13D15 |
Classification | msc 18F30 |
Synonym | group completion |
Related topic | AlgebraicKTheory |
Related topic | KTheory |
Related topic | AlgebraicTopology |
Related topic | GrothendieckCategory |