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analytic set

Let GN be an open set.


A set VG is said to be locally analytic if for every point pV there exists a neighbourhood U of p in G and holomorphic functionsMathworldPlanetmath f1,,fm defined in U such that UV={z:fk(z)=0for all1km}.

This basically says that around each point of V, the set V is analytic. A stronger definition is required.


A set VG is said to be an analytic variety in G (or analytic set in G) if for every point pG there exists a neighbourhood U of p in G and holomorphic functions f1,,fm defined in U such that UV={z:fk(z)=0 for all 1km}.

Note the change, now V is analytic around each point of G. Since the zero sets of holomorphic functions are closed, this for example implies that V is relatively closed in G, while a local variety need not be closed. Sometimes an analytic variety is called an analytic set.

At most points an analytic variety V will in fact be a complex analytic manifold. So


A point pV is called a regular pointMathworldPlanetmath if there is a neighbourhood U of p such that UV is a complex analytic manifold. Any other point is called a singular pointMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath.

The set of regular points of V is denoted by V- or sometimes V*.

For any regular point pV we can define the dimension as


where U is as above and thus UV is a manifold with a well defined dimension. Here we of course take the complex dimension of these manifolds.


Let V be an analytic variety, we define the dimension of V by

dim(V)=sup{dimp(V):p a regular point of V}.

The regular point pV such that dimp(V)=dim(V) is called a top point of V.

Similarly as for manifolds we can also talk about subvarieties. In this case we modify definition a little bit.


A set WV where VG is a local variety is said to be a subvariety of V if for every point pV there exists a neighbourhood U of p in G and holomorphic functions f1,,fm defined in U such that UW={z:fk(z)=0 for all 1km}.

That is, a subset W is a subvariety if it is definined by the vanishing of analytic functions near all points of V.


  • 1 E. M. Chirka. . Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1989.
  • 2 Hassler Whitney. . Addison-Wesley, Philippines, 1972.
Title analytic set
Canonical name AnalyticSet
Date of creation 2013-03-22 14:59:28
Last modified on 2013-03-22 14:59:28
Owner jirka (4157)
Last modified by jirka (4157)
Numerical id 10
Author jirka (4157)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 32C25
Classification msc 32A60
Synonym analytic variety
Synonym complex analytic variety
Related topic IrreducibleComponent2
Defines regular point
Defines simple point
Defines top simple point
Defines singular point
Defines locally analytic
Defines dimension of a variety
Defines subvariety of a complex analytic variety
Defines complex analytic subvariety