angle bisector

For every angle, there exists a line that divides the angle into two equal parts. This line is called the angle bisectorMathworldPlanetmath.

The interior bisectorMathworldPlanetmath of an angle is the line or line segmentMathworldPlanetmath that divides it into two equal angles on the same side as the angle.

The exterior bisector of an angle is the line or line segment that divides it into two equal angles on the opposite side as the angle.

For a triangle, the point where the angle bisectors of the three angles meet is called the incenterMathworldPlanetmath.

Title angle bisector
Canonical name AngleBisector
Date of creation 2013-03-22 13:10:38
Last modified on 2013-03-22 13:10:38
Owner giri (919)
Last modified by giri (919)
Numerical id 4
Author giri (919)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 51-00
Synonym interior angle bisector
Synonym exterior angle bisector