ascending series
Let G be a group.
An ascending series of G
is a family (Hα)α≤β of subgroups of G,
where β is an ordinal
such that H0={1} and Hβ=G,
and Hα⊴Hα+1 for all α<β,
⋃α<δHα=Hδ |
whenever δ≤β is a limit ordinal.
Note that this is a generalization of the concept of a subnormal series.
Compare also the dual concept of a descending series.
Given an ascending series (Hα)α≤β, the subgroups Hα are called the terms of the series and the quotients ( Hα+1/Hα are called the factors of the series.
A subgroup of G that is a term of some ascending series of G is called an ascendant subgroup of G. The notation HascG is sometimes used to indicate that H is an ascendant subgroup of G.
The groups in which every subgroup is ascendant are precisely the groups that satisfy the normalizer condition. Groups in which every cyclic subgroup is ascendant are called Gruenberg groups. It can be shown that in a Gruenberg group, every finitely generated subgroup is ascendant and nilpotent (and so, in particular, Gruenberg groups are locally nilpotent).
An ascending series of G in which all terms are normal in G is called an ascending normal series.
Let 𝔛 be a property of groups.
A group is said to be hyper-X
if it has an ascending normal series
whose factors all have property 𝔛.
So, for example, a hyperabelian group
is a group that has an ascending normal series with abelian factors.
Hyperabelian groups are sometimes called SI*-groups.
Title | ascending series |
Canonical name | AscendingSeries |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:14:55 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:14:55 |
Owner | yark (2760) |
Last modified by | yark (2760) |
Numerical id | 12 |
Author | yark (2760) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 20E15 |
Classification | msc 20F22 |
Related topic | DescendingSeries |
Related topic | SubnormalSeries |
Related topic | SubnormalSubgroup |
Defines | ascending normal series |
Defines | ascendant subgroup |
Defines | ascendant |
Defines | hyperabelian group |
Defines | hyperabelian |
Defines | Gruenberg group |