a space is compact iff any family of closed sets having fip has non-empty intersection
A topological space
is compact
if and only if any collection
of its closed sets
having the finite intersection property has non-empty intersection
The above theorem is essentially
the definition of a compact space rewritten using de Morgan’s laws.
The usual definition of a compact space is based on open sets and
unions. The above characterization, on the other hand, is written
using closed sets and intersections.
Proof. Suppose X is compact, i.e., any collection of open subsets that cover X has a finite collection that also cover X. Further, suppose {Fi}i∈I is an arbitrary collection of closed subsets with the finite intersection property. We claim that ∩i∈IFi is non-empty. Suppose otherwise, i.e., suppose ∩i∈IFi=∅. Then,
X | = | (⋂i∈IFi)c | ||
= | ⋃i∈IFci. |
(Here, the complement of a set A in X is written as Ac.) Since each Fi is closed, the collection {Fci}i∈I is an open cover for X. By compactness, there is a finite subset J⊂I such that X=∪i∈JFci. But then X=(∩i∈JFi)c, so ∩i∈JFi=∅, which contradicts the finite intersection property of {Fi}i∈I.
The proof in the other direction is analogous.
Suppose X has the finite intersection property.
To prove that
X is compact, let {Fi}i∈I be a collection of open sets
in X that cover X. We claim that this collection contains a finite subcollection
of sets that also cover X.
The proof is by contradiction.
that X≠∪i∈JFi holds for all finite J⊂I.
Let us first show that the collection of closed subsets
{Fci}i∈I has the finite intersection property.
If J is a finite subset of I, then
⋂i∈JFci | = | (⋃i∈JFi)c≠∅, |
where the last assertion follows since J was finite. Then, since X has the finite intersection property,
∅ | ≠ | ⋂i∈IFci=(⋃i∈IFi)c. |
This contradicts the assumption that {Fi}i∈I is a cover for X.
R.E. Edwards, Functional Analysis
: Theory and Applications, Dover Publications, 1995.
Title | a space is compact iff any family of closed sets having fip has non-empty intersection |
Canonical name | ASpaceIsCompactIffAnyFamilyOfClosedSetsHavingFipHasNonemptyIntersection |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:34:10 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:34:10 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 20 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 54D30 |