axiomatic definition of the real numbers
Axiomatic definition of the real numbers
The real numbers consist of a set ℝ together with mappings
+:ℝ×ℝ→ℝ and ⋅:ℝ×ℝ→ℝ and a
relation <⊆ℝ×ℝ satisfying
the following conditions:
(ℝ,+) is an Abelian group
(ℝ∖{0},⋅) is an Abelian group:
For a,b,c∈ℝ, we have
a⋅b = b⋅a, (a⋅b)⋅c = a⋅(b⋅c), -
there exists an element 1∈ℝ∖{0} such that a⋅1=a for all a∈ℝ,
every a∈ℝ∖{0} has an inverse a-1∈ℝ such that a-1⋅a=1.
The operation
⋅ is distributive over +: If a,b,c∈ℝ, then
a⋅(b+c) =a⋅b+a⋅c, (b+c)⋅a =b⋅a+c⋅a. -
(ℝ,<) is a total order
(transitivity) if c∈ℝ, a<b, and b<c, then a<c,
(trichotomy) precisely one of the below alternatives hold:
For convenience we make the following notational definitions: a>b means b<a, a≤b means either a<b or a=b, and a≥b means either b<a or a=b.
The operations + and ⋅ are compatible with the order <:
If a, b, c∈ℝ and a<b, then a+c<b+c.
If a, b, c∈ℝ with a<b and 0<c, then ac<bc.
ℝ has the least upper bound property: If A⊂ℝ, then an element M∈ℝ is an for A if
a<M, for all a∈A. If A is non-empty, we then say that A is bounded from above. That ℝ has the least upper bound property means that if A⊂ℝ is bounded from above, it has a least upper bound m∈ℝ. That is, A has an upper bound m such that if M is any upper bound from M, then m≤M.
Here it should be emphasized that from the above we can not deduce that
a set ℝ with operations +,⋅,< exists. To settle this question such
a set has to be explicitly constructed. However, this can be done in various ways, as
discussed on this page (
One can also show the above conditions uniquely determine the real numbers
(up to an isomorphism). The proof of this can be found on
this page (
Basic properties
In condensed form, the above conditions state that ℝ is an ordered field with the least upper bound property. In particular (ℝ,+,⋅) is a ring, and (ℝ∖{0},⋅) is a group, and we have the following basic properties:
Lemma 1.
Suppose a,b∈R.
The additive inverse (-a) is unique (proof) (
The additive identity 0 is unique (proof) (
(-1)⋅a=(-a) (proof) (
(-a)⋅(-b)=a⋅b (proof) (
0⋅a=0 (proof) (
The multiplicative inverse a-1 is unique (proof) (
If a,b are non-zero, then (ab)-1=b-1a-1 (proof) (
In view of property 2, we can write simply -a instead of (-1)⋅a and (-a).
Because of the additive inverse of a real number is unique (by property 1 above), and (-a)+a=a+(-a)=0, we see that the additive inverse of -a is a, or that -(-a)=a. Similarly, if a≠0, then a-1≠0 (or we’ll end up with 1=aa-1=a0=0), and therefore by Property 6 above, a-1 has a unique multiplicative inverse. Since aa-1=a-1a=1, we see that a is the multiplicative inverse of a-1. In other words, (a-1)-1=a.
For a,b∈ℝ let us also define a-b=a+(-b), which is called
the difference of a and b.
By commutativity, a-b=-b+a. It is also common to leave out the
multiplication symbol and simply write ab=a⋅b. Suppose
a∈ℝ and b∈ℝ is non-zero. Then b
divided ( by a is defined as
ab=ab-1. |
In consequence, if a,b,c,d∈ℝ and b,c,d are non-zero, then
For example,
abcd=ab-1cd-1=ab-1(cd-1)-1=ab-1dc-1=adbc. |
Title | axiomatic definition of the real numbers |
Canonical name | AxiomaticDefinitionOfTheRealNumbers |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:39:29 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:39:29 |
Owner | matte (1858) |
Last modified by | matte (1858) |
Numerical id | 17 |
Author | matte (1858) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 54C30 |
Classification | msc 26-00 |
Classification | msc 12D99 |
Related topic | RealNumber |