bisimilar automata
Let M=(SM,Σ,δM,IM,FM) and N=(SN,Σ,δN,IN,FN) be two NDFA’s (non-deterministic finite automata). Let ≈⊆SM×SN be a binary relation between the states of the automata M and N. We may extend ≈ to a binary relation between subsets of the states of the automata, as follows: for any P⊆SM and Q⊆SN, set
C(P):={q∈SN∣p≈q for some p∈P} and C(Q):={p∈SM∣p≈q for some q∈Q}. |
Then, using the same notation, define ≈⊆P(SM)×P(SN) by
P≈Q iff P⊆C(Q) and Q⊆C(P). |
Definition. We say that M is bisimilar to N if there is a binary relation ≈⊆SM×SN such that
if p≈q, then δM(p,a)≈δN(q,a) for any a∈Σ,
if p≈q, then p∈FM iff q∈FN.
In other words, M is bisimilar to N as automata precisely when M is bisimilar to N as LTS, and satisfy conditions 1 and 3 above.
Any NDFA M=(S,Σ,δ,I,F) is bisimilar to itself, for the identity relation is clearly a bisimulation. Next, if M is bisimilar to N with bisimulation ≈, N is bisimilar to M with the converse relation ≈-1. Finally, if M is bisimilar to N with bisimulation ≈1 and N is bisimilar to P with bisimulation ≈2, M is bisimilar to N with bisimulation ≈1∘≈2. Therefore, bisimilarity is an equivalence relation on the class of NDFA’s.
Another property of bisimulations on NDFA’s is that the they are preserved by taking unions: an arbitrary non-empty union of bisimulations is again a bisimulation. From this property, it is not hard to show that if A≈B, then δ(A,x)≈δ(B,x) for any word over Σ. As a result, bismilar NDFA’s accept the same set of words.
By taking the union of all bisimulations on a given NDFA M=(S,Σ,δ,I,F), we get a bisimulation that is also an equivalence relation on the set of states of M. For each p∈S, let [p] be the equivalence class containing p, and for any subset A⊆S, let [A]:={[p]∣p∈A}. Then we get an NDFA [M]:=([S],Σ,[Δ],[I],[F]), with
[Δ]([p],a):=[δ(p,a)] |
for any a∈Σ. It can be shown that [M] is minimal in the sense that [[M]] is isomorphic to [M], and that M is bisimilar to [M]. In addition
, if M has no inaccessible states, then M is bisimilar to a unique minimal automaton, in the sense that, if N is any minimal automaton bisimlar to M, then N is isomorphic to [M].
Title | bisimilar automata |
Canonical name | BisimilarAutomata |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:23:17 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:23:17 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 14 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 68Q85 |
Classification | msc 68Q10 |
Synonym | strongly bisimilar automata |