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complete ring of quotients

Consider a commutativePlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath unitary ring R and set


(here HomR(I,R) is the set of R-module morphismsMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath from I to R) and define A:=B𝒮B.

Now we shall assign a ring structureMathworldPlanetmath to A by defining its addition and multiplication. Given two dense ideals I1,I2R and two elements fiHomR(Ii,R) for i{1,2}, one can easily check that I1I2 and f2-1(I1) are nontrivial (i.e. they aren’t {0}) and in fact also dense ideals so we define

f1+f2HomR(I1I2,R) by (f1+f2)(x)=f1(x)+f2(x)

f1*f2HomR(f2-1(I1),R) by (f1*f2)(x)=f1(f2(x))

It is easy to check that A is in fact a commutative ring with unity. The elements of A are called .

There is also an equivalence relationMathworldPlanetmath that one can define on A. Given fiHomR(Ii,R) for i{1,2}, we write


(i.e. f1 and f2 belong to the same equivalence classMathworldPlanetmath iff they agree on the intersectionMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath of the dense ideal where they are defined).

The factor ring Q(R):=A/ is then called the complete ring of quotients.


RT(R)Q(R), where T(R) is the total quotient ring. One can also in general define complete ring of quotients on noncommutative rings.


  • Huckaba J.A. Huckaba, ”Commutative rings with zero divisorsMathworldPlanetmath”, Marcel Dekker 1988
Title complete ring of quotients
Canonical name CompleteRingOfQuotients
Date of creation 2013-03-22 16:20:29
Last modified on 2013-03-22 16:20:29
Owner jocaps (12118)
Last modified by jocaps (12118)
Numerical id 17
Author jocaps (12118)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 13B30
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Defines complete ring of quotients