complete set of primitive orthogonal idempotents
Let A be a unital algebra over a field k. Recall that e∈A is an idempotent iff e2=e. If e1,e2∈A are idempotents, then we will say that they are orthogonal
iff e1e2=e2e1=0. Furthermore an idempotent e∈A is called primitive
iff e cannot be written as a sum e=e1+e2 where both e1,e2∈A are nonzero idempotents. An idempotent is called trivial iff it is either 0 or 1.
Now assume that A is an algebra such that
A=M1⊕M2 |
as right modules and 1=m1+m2 for some m1∈M1, m2∈M2. Then m1, m2 are orthogonal idempotents in A and M1=m1A, M2=m2A. Furthermore Mi is indecomposable (as a right module) if and only if mi is primitive. This can be easily generalized to any number (but finite) of summands.
If A is additionally finite-dimensional, then
A=P1⊕⋯⊕Pn |
for some (unique up to isomorphism) right (ideals) indecomposable modules Pi. It follows from the preceding that
Pi=eiA |
for some ei∈A and {e1,…,en} is a set of pairwise orthogonal, primitive idempotents. This set is called the complete set of primitive orthogonal idempotents of A.
Title | complete set of primitive orthogonal idempotents |
Canonical name | CompleteSetOfPrimitiveOrthogonalIdempotents |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:17:38 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:17:38 |
Owner | joking (16130) |
Last modified by | joking (16130) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | joking (16130) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 16S99 |
Classification | msc 20C99 |
Classification | msc 13B99 |