complete ultrafilter and partitions
If U is an ultrafilter on a set S, then
U is κ-complete ⇔ there is no partition
of S into κ-many pieces for which each piece Xα of the partition is not in U.
We prove the case of σ-completeness; the case of arbitrary infinite cardinality follows closely. For the ⇒ direction, let P be a partition of S into ω many pieces, all of which do not belong to U, and write S=⋃ωn=1Xn to illustrate this partition. Now, ∅=S∁=⋂ωn=1X∁n. Since, by our assumption
, each of the Xn do not belong to U, we have X∁n∈U for each n<ω as U is an ultrafilter. Thus, (⋂ωn=1X∁n)∈U by σ-completeness. This, however, means ∅∈U, contradicting the definition of a filter.
Note that the converse states that every partition P of S into ω-many pieces has a (unique) piece X1∈U. To prove this, let Yn be a collection
of ω many members of U and let Y=⋂ωn=1Yn. Now consider the partition {Pι:ι≤ω} of S∖Y:
for each s∈S∖Y, put s∈Pι if ι is the least index for which s∉Yι.
It is easy to verify that each s∈S∖Y belongs to a unique Pι, the collection of Pι’s is indeed a partition of S∖Y.
Along with Y, {Pι:ι≤ω} partitions S into ℵ0=ω many pieces. A (unique) piece of this partition belongs in U: Pι*∈U or Y∈U. But, Pι∩Yι=∅∉U by the definition of Pι. This excludes the possibility for the former to belong in U (cf. alternative characterization of filter) and so Y∈U.
Thus, starting from an arbitrary collection {Yn} of ω-many members of U, we have identified a partition of S for which the unique piece which belongs to U is ∩Yn. Therefore, U is σ-complete.
Title | complete ultrafilter and partitions |
Canonical name | CompleteUltrafilterAndPartitions |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:55:52 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:55:52 |
Owner | yesitis (13730) |
Last modified by | yesitis (13730) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | yesitis (13730) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 03E02 |