complex tangent and cotangent

The tangentPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath and the cotangent function for complex values of the z are defined with the equations


Using the Euler’s formulae (, one also can define

tanz:=-ieiz-e-izeiz+e-iz,cotz:=ieiz+e-izeiz-e-iz. (1)

The subtraction formulae of cosine and sine ( yield an additional between the cotangent and tangent:


Thus the properties of the tangent are easily derived from the corresponding properties of the cotangent.

Because of the identic equation  cos2z+sin2z=1  the cosine and sine do not vanish simultaneously, and so their quotient cotz is finite in all finite points z of the complex plane except in the zeros  z=nπ  (n=0,±1,±2,) of sinz, where cotz becomes infinite.  We shall see that these multiples of π are simple polesMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath of cotz.

If one moves from z to z+π, then both cosz and sinz change their signs (cf. antiperiodic functionMathworldPlanetmath), and therefore their quotient remains unchanged.  Accordingly, π is a period of cotz.  But if ω is an arbitrary period of cotz, we have  cot(z+ω)=cotz,  and especially  z=0 gives  cotω=;  then (1) says that  eiω=e-iω,  i.e.  e2iω=1.  Since the prime periodPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath of the complex exponential function is 2iπ, the last equation is valid only for the values  ω=nπ  (n=0,±1,±2,).  Thus we have shown that the prime period of cotz is π.

We know that




This result, together with


means that  z=0  is a simple pole of cotz.

Because of the periodicity, cotz has the simple poles in the points z=0,±π,±2π,.  Since one has the derivative


cotz is holomorphic in all finite points except those poles, which accumulate only to the point  z=.  Thus the cotangent is a meromorphic function.  The same concerns naturally the tangent function.

As all meromorphic functions, the cotangent may be expressed as a series with the partial fraction ( terms of the form ajk(z-pj)k, where pj’s are the poles — see this entry (

The real ( and imaginary partsDlmfMathworld of tangent and cotangent are seen from the formulae


which may be derived from (1) by substituting  z:=x+iy (x,y).


  • 1 R. Nevanlinna & V. Paatero: Funktioteoria.  Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava. Helsinki (1963).
Title complex tangent and cotangent
Canonical name ComplexTangentAndCotangent
Date of creation 2013-03-22 16:49:56
Last modified on 2013-03-22 16:49:56
Owner pahio (2872)
Last modified by pahio (2872)
Numerical id 10
Author pahio (2872)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 30A99
Classification msc 30D10
Classification msc 33B10
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