congruence lattice
Theorem 1.
The set Con(A) of all congruences on an algebraic system A is a complete lattice
that is a sublattice (called the congruence lattice of A) of the lattice of equivalence relations on A.
It is not hard to see that Con(A) is a topped intersection structure. As a result, Con(A) is a complete lattice. Since it is also a subset of the lattice E(A) of equivalence relations on A, the only remaining item to show is that it is a sublattice of E(A). In other words, we need to show that if 𝒞 is a family of congruence relations on A, so is Θ:=⋁𝒞.
For convenience, let us introduce some notational devices:
for any ak,bk∈A and Θk∈Con(A), where k∈𝐧, we mean
(a1,…,an)≡(b1,…,bn)(mod(Θ1,…,Θn)) by ak≡bk(modΘk), for each k∈𝐧;
(a1,…,an)≡(b1,…,bn)(modΘ) means ak≡bk(modΘ), for each k∈𝐧;
Finally, when ck≡ck+1(modΘk), where k∈𝐧-𝟏, we write
c1Θ1≡c2Θ2≡⋯Θn-1≡cn. Let us call this an (of n).
Back to the proof. Let ω be an n-ary operator on A and (a1,…,an)≡(b1,…,bn)(modΘ). We want to show that ω(a1,…,an)≡ω(b1,…,bn)(modΘ).
The proof now breaks up into two main steps:
Step 1.
For each i∈n, ai≡bi(modΘ) means we have a finite
ai=c1F1≡c2F2≡⋯Fp-1≡cp=bi, |
where each Fi is a congruence in C, and each ci∈A. Now the lengths of the sequences may vary by i. The idea is to show that we can in fact pick the sequences so that they all have the same length.
To see this, take the first two pairs of congruent elements a1≡b1(modΘ) and a2≡b2(modΘ), and expand them into two finite
a1=c1F1≡c2F2≡⋯Fp-1≡cp=b1, and
where ci,dj∈A and Fi,Gj∈𝒞. If q<p, we may lengthen the second chain so it has the same length as the first one:
a2=d1G1≡d2⋯Gq-1≡dqGq≡dq+1Gq+1≡⋯Gp-1≡dp, |
where Gq-1=Gq=⋯=Gp-1 and dq=⋯=dp=b.
The above argument and an induction step on n show that we can indeed make all the “expanded” the same length. As a result, without loss of generality, we assume that all the expanded chains have the same length, say r+1.
Step 2.
Complete the proof.
Instead of writing all n chains, let us use our notational device, and we have the following single (again, we may write it in this fashion because all chains are now assumed to have the same finite length of r+1):
\xymatrix(c11,…,c1n)\ar@3-[rr]-(F11,…,F1n)&&(c21,…,c2n)\ar@3-[rr]-(F21,…,F2n)&&⋯\ar@3-[rr]-(Fr1,…,Frn)&&(cr+1,1,…,cr+1,n) |
where each cij∈A, each Fij∈𝒞, with (i,j)∈(𝐫+𝟏)×𝐧, and that (a1,…,an)=(c11,…,c1n) and (cr+1,1,…,cr+1,n)=(b1,…,bn).
Look at the first congruence pair \xymatrix(c11,…,c1n)\ar@3-[rr]-(F11,…,F1n)&&(c21,…,c2n). This can be expanded into an of length n as follows:
\xymatrix(c11,c12,…,c1n)\ar@3-[r]-F11&(c21,c12,…,c1n)\ar@3-[r]-F12&⋯\ar@3-[r]-F1n&(c21,c22,…,c2n) |
The idea is to replace the coordinates one at a time, in sequence, from the first to the last, until all n coordinates are completely replaced from (c11,…,c1n) to (c21,…,c2n).
Now, since each F1j is a congruence, apply ω to each n-tuple to get a new
\xymatrixω(c11,c12,…,c1n)\ar@3-[r]-F11&ω(c21,c12,…,c1n)\ar@3-[r]-F12&⋯\ar@3-[r]-F1n&ω(c21,c22,…,c2n). |
But this chain implies that ω(a1,…,an)=ω(c11,…,cin)≡ω(c21,…,c2n)(modΘ). So what we have shown is that the images of the first congruence pair are congruent modulo Θ. But this process can be easily applied to subsequent congruence pairs, so that we end up with
\xymatrixω(a1,…,a2)\ar@3-[r]-Θ&ω(c21,…,c2n)\ar@3-[r]-Θ&⋯\ar@3-[r]-Θ&ω(b1,…,bn). |
As Θ is an equivalence relation, ω(a1,…,a2)≡ω(b1,…,bn)(modΘ), completing the proof. ∎
Furthermore, it can be shown that Con(A) is an algebraic lattice. The compact elements of Con(A) are finite joins of so-called principal congruences.
Conversely, it can be shown (by Grätzer) that every algebraic lattice is isomorphic
to the congruence lattice of some algebraic system.
If A is a lattice, then Con(A) is distributive
. The converse statement, that every distributive algebraic lattice is isomorphic to a congruence lattice, has recently been proven to be false by F. Wehrung.
G. Grätzer: Universal Algebra
, 2nd Edition, Springer, New York (1978).
- 2 F. Wehrung: Solution to Dilworth’s Congruence Lattice Problem, (2005).
Title | congruence lattice |
Canonical name | CongruenceLattice |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:06:31 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:06:31 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 08A30 |
Defines | lattice of congruences |