derivation of 2D reflection matrix
Reflection across a line of given angle
Let 𝐱,𝐲 be perpendicular unit vectors
in the plane.
Suppose we want to reflect
vectors (perpendicularly) over a line that makes an angle θ with
the positive 𝐱 axis. More precisely, we are given
a direction direction vector 𝐮=cosθ𝐱+sinθ𝐲 for the line of reflection.
A unit vector perpendicular to 𝐮 is 𝐯=-sinθ𝐱+cosθ𝐲
(as is easily checked). Then to reflect an arbitrary vector 𝐰,
we write 𝐰 in of its components
in the 𝐮,𝐯 axes:
𝐰=a𝐮+b𝐯, and the result of the reflection is to be 𝐰′=a𝐮-b𝐯.
We compute the matrix for such a reflection in the original x,y coordinates.
Denote the reflection by T. By the matrix change-of-coordinates formula, we have
[T]xy=[I]xyuv[T]uv[I]uvxy, |
where [T]xy and [T]uv denote the matrix representing T with respect to the x,y and u,v coordinates respectively; [I]xyuv is the matrix that changes from u,v coordinates to x,y coordinates, and [I]uvxy is the matrix that changes coordinates the other way.
The three matrices on the right-hand side are all easily derived from the description we gave for the reflection T:
[I]xyuv=[cosθ-sinθsinθcosθ],[T]uv=[100-1],[I]uvxy=([I]xyuv)-1=[cosθsinθ-sinθcosθ]. |
Computing the matrix product (with the help of the double angle identity) yields:
[T]xy=[cos2θsin2θsin2θ-cos2θ]. | (1) |
For the of the reader, we note that there are other ways of “deriving” this result. One is by the use of a diagram, which would show that (1,0) gets reflected to (cos2θ,sin2θ) and (0,1) gets reflected to (sin2θ,-cos2θ). Another way is to observe that we can rotate an arbitrary mirror line onto the x-axis, then reflect across the x-axis, and rotate back. (The matrix product [T]xy can be seen as operating this way.) We took neither of these two approaches, because to justify them rigorously takes a bit of work, that is avoided by the pure linear algebra approach.
Note also that [T]uv and [T]xy are orthogonal matrices,
with determinant
-1, as expected.
Reflection across a line of given direction vector
Suppose instead of being given an angle θ,
we are given the unit direction vector u to reflect the vector w.
We can derive the matrix for the reflection directly, without involving any trigonometric functions.
In the decomposition 𝐰=a𝐮+b𝐯, we note that b=𝐰⋅𝐯. Therefore
𝐰′=(a𝐮+b𝐯)-2b𝐯=𝐰-2(𝐰⋅𝐯)𝐯. |
(In fact, this is the formula used in the to draw the diagram in this entry.) To derive the matrix with respect to x,y coordinates, we resort to a trick:
𝐰′=I𝐰-2𝐯(𝐰⋅𝐯)=I𝐰-2𝐯(𝐯tr𝐰)=I𝐰-2(𝐯𝐯tr)𝐰. |
Therefore the matrix of the transformation is
I-2𝐯𝐯tr=[u2x-u2y2uxuy2uxuyu2y-u2x],𝐮=(ux,uy)tr,𝐯=(-uy,ux)tr. |
If u was not a unit vector to begin with, it of course suffices to divide by its magnitude before proceeding. Taking this into account, we obtain the following matrix for a reflection about a line with direction 𝐮:
1u2x+u2y[u2x-u2y2uxuy2uxuyu2y-u2x]. | (2) |
Notice that if we put ux=cosθ and uy=sinθ in matrix (2), we get matrix (1), as it should be.
Reflection across a line of given slope
There is another form for the matrix (1). We set m=tanθ to be the slope of the line of reflection and use the identities:
cos2θ | =1tan2θ+1=1m2+1 | ||
cos2θ | =2cos2θ-1 | ||
sin2θ | =2sinθcosθ=2tanθcos2θ=2mcos2θ. |
When these equations are substituted in matrix (1), we obtain an alternate expression for it in of m only:
1m2+1[1-m22m2mm2-1]. | (3) |
Thus we have derived the matrix for a reflection about a line of slope m.
Alternatively, we could have also substituted ux=1 and uy=m in matrix (2) to arrive at the same result.
Topology of reflection matrices
Of course, formula (3) does not work literally when
m=±∞ (the line is vertical).
However, that case may be derived by taking the limit |m|→∞ —
this limit operation can be justified by considerations of the topology of
the space of two-dimensional reflection matrices.
What is this topology? It is the one-dimensional projective plane ℝℙ1,
or simply, the “real projective line”.
It is formed by taking the circle, and identifying opposite points, so
that each pair of opposite points specify a unique mirror line of reflection in ℝ2.
Formula (1) is a parameterization of ℝℙ1.
Note that (1) involves the quantity 2θ, not θ,
because for a point (cosθ,sinθ) on the circle,
its opposite point (cos(θ+π),sin(θ+π)) specify the same reflection,
so formula (1) has to be invariant when θ is replaced by θ+π.
But (1) might as well be written
[T]xy=[cosϕsinϕsinϕ-cosϕ]. | (4) |
where ϕ=2θ. For this parameterization of RP1 to be one-to-one,
ϕ can range over interval (0,2π), and the endpoints
at ϕ=0,2π overlap just
as for a circle, without identifying pairs of opposite points. What does this mean? It is the fact that ℝℙ1 is homeomorphic to the circle S1.
The real projective line ℝℙ1 is also the one-point compactification of ℝ (i.e. ℝℙ1=ℝ∪{∞}), as shown by formula (3); the number m=∞ corresponds to a reflection across the vertical axis. Note that this “∞” is not the same as the usual ±∞, because here -∞ and ∞ are actually the same number, both representing the slope of a vertical line.
Title | derivation of 2D reflection matrix |
Canonical name | DerivationOf2DReflectionMatrix |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:25:05 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:25:05 |
Owner | stevecheng (10074) |
Last modified by | stevecheng (10074) |
Numerical id | 14 |
Author | stevecheng (10074) |
Entry type | Derivation |
Classification | msc 15-00 |
Related topic | RotationMatrix |
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