linear algebra
Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics devoted to the theory of
linear structure. The axiomatic treatment of linear structure is
based on the notions of a linear space
(more commonly known as a
vector space), and a linear mapping. Broadly speaking,
there are two fundamental questions considered by linear algebra:
the solution of a linear equation, and
diagonalization, a.k.a. the eigenvalue problem.
From the geometric point of view, “linear” is synonymous with
“straight”, and consequently linear algebra can be regarded as the
branch of mathematics dealing with lines and planes, as well as with
transformations of space that preserve “straightness”, e.g.
and reflections. The two fundamental questions, in geometric
terms, deal with
the intersection
of hyperplanes
, and
the principal axes of an ellipsoid
Linearity is a very basic notion, and consequently linear algebra has
applications in numerous areas of mathematics, science, and
engineering. Diverse disciplines, such as differential equations,
differential geometry, the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics,
electrical circuits, computer graphics, and information theory benefit
from the notions and techniques of linear algebra.
Euclidean geometry is related to a specialized branch of linear
algebra that deals with linear measurement. Here the relevant notions
are length and angle. A typical question is the determination of
lines perpendicular
to a given plane. A somewhat less specialized
branch deals with affine structure, where the key notion is that of
area and volume. Here determinants
play an essential role.
Yet another branch of linear algebra is concerned with computation,
algorithms, and numerical approximation. Important examples of such
techniques include: Gaussian elimination, the method of least squares,
LU factorization, QR decomposition
, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
singular value decomposition
, and a number of iterative algorithms for
the calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
The following subject outline surveys key topics in linear algebra.
Linear structure.
Introduction: systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, matrices, matrix operations.
Foundations: fields and vector spaces, subspace
, linear independence
, basis, ordered basis, dimension
, direct sum
Linear mappings: linearity axioms, kernels and images, injectivity, surjectivity, bijections
, compositions
, inverses
, matrix representations, change of bases, conjugation
, similarity
Affine structure.
Determinants: characterizing properties, cofactor expansion, permutations
, Cramer’s rule, classical adjoint.
Geometric aspects: Euclidean volume, orientation, equiaffine transformations, determinants as geometric invariants
of linear transformations.
Diagonalization and Decomposition.
Basic notions: eigenvector
, eigenvalue
, eigenspace
, characteristic polynomial
Obstructions: imaginary eigenvalues, nilpotent transformations, classification of 2-dimensional real transformations.
Structure theory: invariant subspaces, Cayley-Hamilton theorem
, Jordan canonical form
, rational canonical form.
- (a)
Bilinearity: bilinear forms, symmetric bilinear forms
, quadratic forms
, signature
and Sylvester’s theorem, orthogonal transformations
, skew-symmetric bilinear forms, symplectic transformations.
Tensor algebra: tensor product, contraction
, invariants of linear transformations, symmetry operations.
Euclidean and Hermitian structure.
Foundations: inner product axioms, the adjoint
, symmetric
transformations, skew-symmetric transformations, self-adjoint transformations, normal transformations.
Spectral theorem: diagonalization of self-adjoint transformations, diagonalization of quadratic forms.
Computational and numerical methods.
Linear problems: LU-factorization, QR decomposition, least squares, Householder transformations.
Eigenvalue problems: singular value decomposition, Gauss and Jacobi-Siedel iterative algorithms.
Title | linear algebra |
Canonical name | LinearAlgebra |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:26:16 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:26:16 |
Owner | rmilson (146) |
Last modified by | rmilson (146) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | rmilson (146) |
Entry type | Topic |
Classification | msc 15-00 |
Classification | msc 15-01 |