Within this entry, Ω refers to the number of (nondistinct) prime factors function
(http://planetmath.org/NumberOfNondistinctPrimeFactorsFunction), τ refers to the divisor function
, μ refers to the Möbius function, ⌊⋅⌋ refers to the floor function, log refers to the natural logarithm
, p refers to a prime, and d, k, ℓ, m, and n refer to positive integers.
∑n≤x2Ω(n) | =∑2km≤xm is odd2Ω(2km) |
=∑2k≤x2Ω(2k)∑m≤x2km is odd2Ω(m) since 2Ω is multiplicative | |
≥∑k≤logxlog22k∑m≤x2km is oddτ(m) | |
≥∑k≤logxlog22k∑d≤x2kd is odd∑ℓ≤x2kdℓ is odd1 by the convolution method | |
≥∑k≤logxlog22k∑d≤x2kd is oddx2k+2d | |
≥x4∑k≤logxlog2∑d≤x2kd is odd1d | |
≥x4∑k≤logxlog2(1x∑d≤x2kd is odd1-∫x2k1-1t2(∑d≤td is odd1)𝑑t) by summation by parts |
≥x4∑k≤logxlog2(1x⋅x2k+2+∫x2k11t2⋅t2𝑑t) | |
≥x4∑k≤logxlog2(12k+2+12∫x2k11t𝑑t) | |
≥x4∑k≤logxlog2(12k+2+12log(x2k)) | |
≥x16∑k≤logxlog2(12k+logx-klog2) | |
≥x16(12(1-(12)⌊logxlog2⌋+11-12)+logx⌊logxlog2⌋-log2(⌊logxlog2⌋2+⌊logxlog2⌋2)) | |
≥x16⌊logxlog2⌋(logx-12log2(⌊logxlog2⌋+1)) | |
≥x16⌊logxlog2⌋(logx-12log2(logxlog2+1)) | |
≥x16⌊logxlog2⌋(logx-12logx-12log2) | |
≥x32⌊logxlog2⌋log(x2) |
Since, for x sufficiently large, logx=O(log(x2)) and logx=O(⌊logxlog2⌋), it follows that xlog2x=O(∑n≤x2Ω(n)). ∎
Title | xlog2x=O(∑@\slimits@@@n≤x2Ω(n)) |
Canonical name | displaystyleXlog2xOleftsumnleX2Omeganright |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:09:18 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:09:18 |
Owner | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Last modified by | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Numerical id | 16 |
Author | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 11N37 |
Related topic | AsymptoticEstimate |
Related topic | ConvolutionMethod |
Related topic | DisplaystyleYOmeganOleftFracxlogXy12YRightFor1LeY2 |