equitable matrix for money exchange
This example shows how equitable matrices arise in money exchange. Consider n currencies C1,C2,…,Cn, where Ci stays for some name like “dollar”, “euro”, “pound”, etc. Denote the exchange rate between currencies Ci and Cj as aij>0, i.e.
1Ci⟶aijCj. | (1) |
We will call A=(aij)ni,j=1 an exchange rates matrix. Suppose, A is an equitable matrix, i.e.
aij=aik⋅akj,i,j,k=1,…,n. | (2) |
Let us discuss consequences of this. First of all, there is no loss when exchanging between two currencies: if one exchanges u units of Ci to Cj and then back to Ci, one will have again u units. Indeed,
uCi⟶u⋅aijCj⟶u⋅(aij⋅aji)Ci |
and desired conjecture follows from the fact that
aij⋅aji=1,i,j=1,…,n, | (3) |
which can be proven by putting j=i in (2) and using diagonal property (aii=1, for all i=1,…,n). But equitable property (2) suggests in fact more than just (3), i.e. more than just no loss by changing from one currency to another and back. For illustration consider an example.
Example 1.
Let us take three currencies C1, C2, C3 with the following exchange rates
1C1 | ⟶ | 2C2, | ||
1C1 | ⟶ | 3C3, | ||
1C2 | ⟶ | 2C3. |
The above relations define a12,a13,a23 in the exchange rates matrix A.
Let us define other elements by (3). This gives us
A=(1231/2121/31/21). |
Now assume one has 100 C3 units and wants to exchange them to C1. If one does this directly, one will obtain 300 C1 units. But if one exchanges first to C2 and then to C1, one will obtain 400 C1 units.
For an equitable exchange rates matrix the above described situation is impossible: exchanging uCi units to Cj is the same as first exchanging to Ck and then to Cj. Indeed,
uCi⟶u⋅aijCjuCi⟶u⋅aikCk⟶u⋅(aik⋅akj)Cj |
and the final result is the same due to the equitable property (2). Note, that the matrix from the example is not equitable
a23≠a21⋅a13. |
The above consideration shows that equitable property does not allow making money just by exchanging currencies. If (2) does not hold for some indexes, for example
aij<aik⋅akj, |
then having uCi units one can make money just by exchanging them to Cj through Ck and back
uCi⟶u⋅aikCk⟶u⋅(aik⋅akj)Cj⟶u⋅(aik⋅akjaij)Ci. |
If we denote q:=, then after making such exchanges instead of one would have units — the capital would increase like geometric progression! If there is an opposite inequality
then such advantage have those with currency. So, condition (2) guarantees that no one can speculate on currency exchange, thus motivating the name “equitable” — “to be fair”.
Let us give an interpretation of the matrix-vector multiplication for exchange rates matrices.
This interpretation is not connected with the equitable property (2) and shows
why exchange rates matrices are useful in general.
Consider a company which operates on the international market (e.g., a company which makes furniture/cars/household equipment/etc, and sells their products to more than one country) and, thus, obtains money in different currencies . From time to time, for such a company the natural question arises: what is the total amount of money we have? Specifically, at a given time the company obtained the following money: . With given exchange rates , the total amount of money in the currency is . That’s why we have
if matrix is the exchange rates matrix for currencies , is a row-vector with components
expressing amount of units in each currency, then components of the vector express the total amount of money in each currency.
The following example gives illustration to this.
Example 2.
Imagine a company located in Germany, let’s call it “Peaut”, which makes auto “Leoptera”. It sells this auto to five different countries: Germany (its home country), USA, United Kingdom, Japan, and Switzerland. Thus, it needs to operate with the following currencies:
The corresponding exchange rates matrix is presented in Table 1. The values were first collected from \htmladdnormallinkWikipediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/ at the middle of 2005, and then they were modified such that the resulting matrix is equitable.
1 |
1.25 |
0.625 |
125 |
1.5626 |
0.8 |
1 |
0.5 |
100 |
1.25 |
1.6 |
2 |
1 |
200 |
2.5 |
0.008 |
0.01 |
0.005 |
1 |
0.0125 |
0.64 |
0.8 |
0.4 |
80 |
1 |
The price of “Leoptera” in each country, number of sold cars during a year, and corresponding amount of money are gathered in Table 2. The last column gives components of the row-vector in our example. To answer the question what is the total amount of money are obtained by “Peaut”, one needs to compute . The result is presented in Table 3.
Country where the cars were sold |
Price for one car |
Amount of sold cars (in thousands) |
Obtained money (in milliards) |
Germany |
21.000 EUR |
100 |
2.1 EUR |
32.000 USD |
35 |
1.12 USD |
UK |
14.000 GBP |
40 |
0.56 GBP |
Japan |
3.1 mln JPY |
8 |
24.8 JPY |
Switzerland |
34.000 CHF |
5 |
0.17 CHF |
Country’s currency |
The total amount of money in different currencies (in milliards) |
4.1992 |
5.249 |
2.6245 |
524.9 |
6.56146 |
Title | equitable matrix for money exchange |
Canonical name | EquitableMatrixForMoneyExchange |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:59:25 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:59:25 |
Owner | mathforever (4370) |
Last modified by | mathforever (4370) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | mathforever (4370) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 91-00 |
Classification | msc 91B28 |
Classification | msc 15-00 |