equivalent grammars
Two formal grammars G1=(Σ1,N1,P1,σ1) and G2=(Σ2,N2,P2,σ2) are said to be equivalent if they generate the same formal languages:
L(G1)=L(G2). |
When two grammars G1 and G2 are equivalent, we write G1≅G2.
For example, the language {anb2n∣n is a non-negative integer} over T={a,b,c} can be generated by a grammar G1 with three non-terminals x,y,σ, and the following productions:
P1={σ→λ,σ→xσy,x→a,y→b2}. |
Alternatively, it can be generated by a simpler grammar G2 with just the starting symbol:
P2={σ→λ,σ→aσb2}. |
This shows that G1≅G2.
An alternative way of writing a grammar G is (T,N,P,σ), where T=Σ-N is the set of terminals of G. Suppose G1=(T1,N1,P1,σ1) and G2=(T2,N2,P2,σ2) are two grammars. Below are some basic properties of equivalence of grammars:
Suppose G1≅G2. If T1∩T2=∅, then L(G1)=∅.
Let G=(T,N,P,σ) be a grammar. Then the grammar G′=(T,N′,P,σ) where N⊆N′ is equivalent to G.
If (T1,N1,P1,σ1)≅(T1,N1,P2,σ2), then (T,N,P1,σ1)≅(T,N,P2,σ2), where T=T1∪T2 and N=N1∪N2.
If we fix an alphabet Σ, then ≅ is an equivalence relation on grammars over Σ.
So far, the properties have all been focused on the underlying alphabets. More interesting properties on equivalent grammars center on productions. Suppose G=(Σ,N,P,σ) is a grammar.
A production is said to be trivial if it has the form v→v. Then the grammar G′ obtained by adding trivial productions to P is equivalent to G.
If u∈L(G), then adding the production σ→u to P produces a grammar equivalent to G.
Call a production a filler if it has the form λ→v. Replacing a filler λ→v by productions a→va and a→av using all symbols a∈Σ gives us a grammar that is equivalent to G.
G is equivalent to a grammar G′ without any fillers. This can be done by replacing each filler using the productions mentioned in the previous section. Finally, if λ∈L(G), we add the production σ→λ to P if it were not already in P.
Let S(P) be the set of all symbols that occur in the productions in P (in either antecedents
or conseqents). If a∈S(P), then G′ obtained by replacing every production u→v∈P with production u[a/b]→v[a/b] and b→a, with a symbol X∉Σ, is equivalent to G. Here, u[a/b] means that we replace each occurrence of a in u with X.
G is equivalent to a grammar G′, all of whose productions have antecedents in N+ (non-empty words over N).
Remark. In fact, if we let
be four types of productions, then it can be shown that
any formal grammar is equivalent to a grammar all of whose productions are in any of the four forms above
any context-sensitive grammar is equivalent to a grammar all of whose productions are in any of forms 1, 2, or 4, and
and any context-free grammar is equivalent to a grammar all of whose productions are in any of forms 1, 3, or 4.
- 1 A. Salomaa Computation and Automata, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 25. Cambridge (1985).
Title | equivalent grammars |
Canonical name | EquivalentGrammars |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:37:17 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:37:17 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 91F20 |
Classification | msc 68Q42 |
Classification | msc 68Q45 |
Classification | msc 03D05 |