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Let Σ be an alphabet. We then define the following using the powers of an alphabet and infiniteMathworldPlanetmath union, where n.

Σ+ = n=1Σn
Σ* = n=0Σn=Σ+{λ}

where λ is the element called empty string. A string is an element of Σ*, meaning that it is a grouping of symbols from Σ one after another (via concatenationMathworldPlanetmath). For example, abbc is a string, and cbba is a different string. A string is also commonly called a word. Σ+, like Σ*, contains all finite strings except that Σ+ does not contain the empty string λ. Given a string sΣ*, a string t is a substring of s if s=utv for some strings u,vΣ*. For example, lp,al,ha,alpha, and λ (the empty string) are all substrings of the string alpha.

Definition. A language over an alphabet Σ is a subset of Σ*, meaning that it is a set (http://planetmath.org/Set) of strings made from the symbols in the alphabet Σ.

Take for example an alphabet Σ={,,63,a,A}. The following are all languages over Σ:

  • {aaa,λ,A63,63,AaAaA},

  • {a,aa,aaa,aaaa,},

  • The empty setMathworldPlanetmath . In the context of languages, is called the empty language.

  • {63}

  • {a2nn0}

A language L is said to be proper if the empty string does not belong to it: λL. A proper language is also said to be λ-free. Otherwise, it is improper. In the examples above, all but the first and the last examples are λ-free. L is a finite language if L is a finite setMathworldPlanetmath, and atomic if it is a singleton subset of Σ, such as the fourth example above. A language can be arbitrarily formed, or constructed via some set of rules called a formal grammar.

Given a language L over Σ, the alphabet of L is defined as the maximal subset Σ(L) of Σ such that every symbol in Σ(L) occurs in some word in L. Equivalently, define the alphabet of a word w to be the set Σ(w) of all symbols that occur in w, then Σ(L) is the union of all Σ(w), where w ranges over L.

Remark. A language can also be described in terms of “infinite” alphabets. For example, in model theoryMathworldPlanetmath, a language is built from a set of symbols, together with a set of variables. These sets are often infinite. Another way of generalizing the notion of a language is to allow the strings to have infinite lengths. The way to do this is to think of a string as a partial functionMathworldPlanetmath f from some set X to the alphabet A such that |dom(f)|<|X|. Then the length of a string f:XA is just |dom(f)|. This specializes to the finite case if we take X to be the set of all non-negative integers.

Title language
Canonical name Language
Date of creation 2013-03-22 12:17:10
Last modified on 2013-03-22 12:17:10
Owner mps (409)
Last modified by mps (409)
Numerical id 28
Author mps (409)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 03C07
Classification msc 68Q45
Synonym λ-free
Related topic Alphabet
Related topic ContextFreeLanguage
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Related topic NonDeterministicFiniteAutomaton
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Related topic FormalGrammar
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Related topic TermsAndFormulas
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Defines string
Defines empty language
Defines substring
Defines proper language
Defines improper language
Defines alphabet of a language
Defines alphabet of a word
Defines finite language
Defines atomic language