Concatenation on Words
Let a,b be two words. Loosely speaking, the concatenation, or juxtaposition of a and b is the word of the form ab. In order to define this rigorously, let us first do a little review of what words are.
Let Σ be a set whose elements we call letters (we also call Σ an alphabet). A (finite) word or a string on Σ is a partial function w:ℕ→Σ, (where ℕ is the set of natural numbers), such that, if dom(w)≠∅, then there is an n∈ℕ such that
w is {defined for every m≤n,undefined otherwise. |
This n is necessarily unique, and is called the length of the word w. The length of a word w is usually denoted by |w|. The word whose domain is ∅, the empty set, is called the empty word
, and is denoted by λ. It is easy to see that |λ|=0. Any element in the range of w has the form w(i), but it is more commonly written wi. If a word w is not the empty word, then we may write it as w1w2⋯wn, where n=|w|. The collection
of all words on Σ is denoted Σ* (the asterisk * is commonly known as the Kleene star operation
of a set). Using the definition above, we see that λ∈Σ*.
Now we define a binary operation ∘ on Σ*, called the concatenation on the alphabet Σ, as follows: let v,w∈Σ* with m=|v| and n=|w|. Then ∘(v,w) is the partial function whose domain is the set {1,…,m,m+1,…,m+n}, such that
∘(v,w)(i)={v(i)if i≤mw(i-m)otherwise. |
The partial function ∘(v,w) is written v∘w, or simply vw, when it does not cause any confusion. Therefore, if v=v1⋯vm and w=w1⋯wn, then vw=v1⋯vmw1⋯wn.
Below are some simple properties of ∘ on words:
∘ is associative: (uv)w=u(vw).
As a result, Σ* together with ∘ is a monoid.
vw=λ iff v=w=λ.
As a result, Σ* is never a group unless Σ*={λ}.
If a=bc where a is a letter, then one of b,c is a, and the other the empty word λ.
If ab=cd where a,b,c,d are letters, then a=c and b=d.
Concatenation on Languages
The concatenation operation ∘ over an alphabet Σ can be extended to operations on languages over Σ. Suppose A,B are two languages over Σ, we define
A∘B:= |
When there is no confusion, we write for .
Below are some simple properties of on languages:
; i.e. (, concatenation of sets of letters is associative.
Because of the associativity of , we can inductively define for any positive integer , as , and .
It is not hard to see that .
Remark. A formal language containing the empty word, and is closed under concatenation is said to be monoidal, since it has the structure
of a monoid.
- 1 H.R. Lewis, C.H. Papadimitriou Elements of the Theory of Computation. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1981).
Title | concatenation |
Canonical name | Concatenation |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:16:38 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:16:38 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 17 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 20M35 |
Classification | msc 68Q70 |
Synonym | juxtaposition |
Synonym | monoidal |
Related topic | Word |
Defines | length |
Defines | length of a word |
Defines | monoidal language |