free group
If F is a group with a subset A such that for every group G
every function ψ:A→G extends to a unique homomorphism (
ϕ:F→G, then F is said to be a free group
of rank |A|,
and we say that A freely generates F.
The infinite cyclic group ℤ is a free group of rank 1, freely generated by either {1} or {-1}.
An example of a free group of rank 2 is the multiplicative group of 2×2 integer matrices generated by
(1201) |
(1021). |
If F is a free group freely generated by a set A, where |A|>1, then for distinct a,b∈A the set {anbn∣0<n∈ℤ} generates a free group of countably infinite rank.
If a free group F is freely generated by A, then A is a minimal generating set
for F, and no set of smaller cardinality than A can generate F.
It follows that if F is freely generated by both A and B, then |A|=|B|. So the rank of a free group is a well-defined concept
, and free groups of different ranks are non-isomorphic.
For every cardinal number κ there is, up to isomorphism
, exactly one free group of rank κ.
The abelianization
of a free group of rank κ is a free abelian group of rank κ.
Every group is a homomorphic image of some free group. More precisely, if G is a group generated by a set of cardinality κ, then G is a homomorphic image of every free group of rank κ or more.
The Nielsen-Schreier Theorem ( states that every subgroup ( of a free group is itself free.
For any set A, the following construction gives a free group of rank |A|.
Let A be a set with elements ai for i in some index set I.
We refer to A as an alphabet and the elements of A as letters.
A syllable is a symbol of the form ani for n∈ℤ.
It is customary to write a for a1. Define a word to be a finite sequence
of syllables. For example,
a32a1a-14a23a-32 |
is a five-syllable word. Notice that there exists a unique empty word, i.e., the word with no syllables, usually written simply as 1.
Denote the set of all words formed from elements of A by 𝒲[A].
Define a binary operation, called the product
, on 𝒲[A] by concatenation
of words. To illustrate, if a32a1 and a-11a43 are elements of 𝒲[A] then their product is simply a32a1a-11a43.
This gives 𝒲[A] the structure
of a monoid.
The empty word 1 acts as a right and left identity
( in 𝒲[A], and is the only element which has an inverse
. In order to give 𝒲[A] the structure of a group, two more ideas are needed.
If v=u1a0iu2 is a word where u1,u2 are also words and ai is some element of A, an elementary contraction of type I replaces the occurrence of a0 by 1. Thus, after this type of contraction we get another word w=u1u2. If v=u1apiaqiu2 is a word, an elementary contraction of type II replaces the occurrence of apiaqi by ap+qi which results in w=u1ap+qiu2. In either of these cases, we also say that w is obtained from v by an elementary contraction, or that v is obtained from w by an elementary expansion.
Call two words u,v equivalent (denoted u∼v) if one can be obtained from the other by a finite sequence of elementary contractions or expansions. This is an equivalence relation on 𝒲[A]. Let ℱ[A] be the set of equivalence classes
of words in 𝒲[A]. Then ℱ[A] is group under the operation
[u][v]=[uv] |
where [u]∈ℱ[A]. The inverse [u]-1 of an element [u] is obtained by reversing the order of the syllables of [u] and changing the sign of each syllable. For example, if [u]=[a1a23], then [u]-1=[a-23a-11].
It can be shown that ℱ[A] is a free group freely generated by the set {[x]∣x∈A}. Moreover, a group is free if and only if it is isomorphic to ℱ[A] for some set A.
Title | free group |
Canonical name | FreeGroup |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:28:39 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:28:39 |
Owner | yark (2760) |
Last modified by | yark (2760) |
Numerical id | 43 |
Author | yark (2760) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 20E05 |
Related topic | FreeModule |
Related topic | Subgroup |
Related topic | Group |
Related topic | FreeProduct |
Defines | freely generates |
Defines | freely generated |
Defines | rank |
Defines | empty word |