every net has a universal subnet

Theorem - (Kelley’s theorem) - Let X be a non-empty set. Every net (xα)α𝒜 in X has a universalPlanetmathPlanetmath subnet (http://planetmath.org/Ultranet). That is, there is a subnet such that for every EX either the subnet is eventually in E or eventually in X-E.

Proof : Let be a section filter for the net (xα)α𝒜.

Let 𝒟={(α,U):α𝒜,U,xαU}. 𝒟 is a directed setMathworldPlanetmath under the order relation given by


The map f:𝒟𝒜 defined by f(α,U):=α is order preserving and cofinal. Therefore there is a subnet (y(α,U))(α,U)𝒟 of (xα)α𝒜 associated with the map f (that is, y(α,U)=xα).

We now prove that (y(α,U))(α,U)𝒟 is a net.

Let EX. We have that (y(α,U))(α,U)𝒟 is frequently in E or frequently in X-E.

Suppose (y(α,U))(α,U)𝒟 is frequently in E.

Let A and S(α):={xβ:αβ}. We have that S(α) by definition of section filter.

As is a filter, AS(α) and so there exists β with αβ such that xβA. Hence, (β,A)𝒟.

As (y(α,U))(α,U)𝒟 is frequently in E, there exists (γ,B)𝒟 with (β,A)(γ,B) such that y(γ,B)E.

Also, y(γ,B) is in B, and therefore, in A. So AE.

We conclude that EA for every A. Therefore, {E} a filter in X. As is a maximal filter we conclude that E, and consequently, (γ,E)𝒟.

We can now see that for every (δ,C) with (γ,E)(δ,C), y(δ,C) is in C and so is in E. Therefore, (y(α,U))(α,U)𝒟 is eventually in E.

Remark: If (y(α,U))(α,U)𝒟 is frequently in X-E, by an analogous we can conclude that it is eventually in X-E.

This proves that (y(α,U))(α,U)𝒟 is a subnet of (xα)α𝒜.

Title every net has a universal subnet
Canonical name EveryNetHasAUniversalSubnet
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:25:16
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:25:16
Owner asteroid (17536)
Last modified by asteroid (17536)
Numerical id 8
Author asteroid (17536)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 54A20
Synonym Kelley’s theorem
Related topic Ultranet