every permutation has a cycle decomposition
In this entry, we shall show that every permutation of a
finite set
can be factored into a product
of disjoint cycles.
To accomplish this, we shall proceed in two steps.
We begin by showing that, if f is a non-trivial permutation of a set {xi∣1≤i≤n}, then there exists a cycle (y1,…ym) where
{yi∣1≤i≤m}⊆{xi∣1≤i≤n} |
and a permutation g of {xi∣1≤i≤n} such that f=(y1,…ym)∘g and g(yi)=yi.
Since the permutation is not trivial, there exists z such that f(z)≠z. Define a sequence inductively as follows:
z1 | =z | ||
zk+1 | =f(zk) |
Note that we cannot have zk+1=zk for any k.
This follows from a simple induction argument. By
definition f(z1)=f(z)≠z=z1. Suppose
that f(zk)≠zk but that f(zk+1)=zk+1.
By definition, f(zk)=zk+1. Since f is a
permutation, f(zk)=zk+1 and f(zk+1)=zk+1
imply that zk=zk+1, so zk=f(zk), which
contradicts a hypothesis
. Hence, if f(zk)≠zk,
then f(zk+1)≠zk+1 so, by induction,
f(zk)≠zk for all k.
By the pigeonhole principle, there must exist p and q
such that p<q but f(zp)=f(zq). Let m be the
least integer such that f(zp)=f(zp+m) but
f(zp)≠f(sp+k) when k<m. Set yk=zk+p.
Then we have that (y1,…ym) is a cycle.
Since f is a permutation and {yi∣1≤i≤m}
is closed under f, it follows that
{xi∣1≤i≤n}∖{yi∣1≤i≤m} |
is also closed under f. Define g as follows:
g(z)={zz∈{yi∣1≤i≤m}f(z)z∈{xi∣1≤i≤n}∖{yi∣1≤i≤m} |
Then it is easily verified that f=(y1,…ym)∘g.
We are now in a position to finish the proof that
every permutation can be decomposed into cycles.
Trivially, a permutation of a set with one element
can be decomposed into cycles because the only
permutation of a set with one element is the
identity permutation, which requires no cycles
to decompose. Next, suppose that any set with less
than n elements can be decomposed into cycles.
Let f be a permutation on a set with n elements.
Then, by what we have shown, f can be written as
the product of a cycle and a permutation g which
fixes the elements of the cycle. The restriction
g to those elements z such that g(z)≠z
is a permutation on less than n elements and
hence, by our supposition, can be decomposed into
cycles. Thus, f can also be decomposed into
cycles. By induction, we conclude that any
permutation of a finite set can be decomposed into cycles.
Title | every permutation has a cycle decomposition |
Canonical name | EveryPermutationHasACycleDecomposition |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:48:39 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:48:39 |
Owner | rspuzio (6075) |
Last modified by | rspuzio (6075) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | rspuzio (6075) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 03-00 |
Classification | msc 05A05 |
Classification | msc 20F55 |