example of an Artinian module which is not Noetherian
It is well known, that left (right) Artinian ring is left (right) Noetherian (Akizuki-Hopkins-Levitzki theorem). We will show that this no longer holds for modules.
Let ℤ be the ring of integers and ℚ the field of rationals. Let p∈ℤ be a prime number
and consider
G={apn∈ℚ|a∈ℤ;n≥0}. |
Of course G is a ℤ-module via standard multiplication and addition. For n≥0 consider
Gn={apn∈ℚ|a∈ℤ}. |
Of course each Gn⊆G is a submodule and it is easy to see, that
ℤ=G0⊂G1⊂G2⊂G3⊂⋯, |
where each inclusion is proper. We will show that G/ℤ is Artinian, but it is not Noetherian.
Let π:G→G/ℤ be the canonical projection. Then G′n=π(Gn) is a submodule of G/ℤ and
0=G′0⊂G′1⊂G′2⊂G′3⊂G′4⊂⋯. |
The inclusions are proper, because for any n>0 we have
G′n+1/G′n≃(Gn+1/ℤ)/(Gn/ℤ)≃Gn+1/Gn≠0, |
due to Third Isomorphism Theorem for modules. This shows, that G/ℤ is not Noetherian.
In order to show that G/ℤ is Artinian, we will show, that each proper submodule of G/ℤ is of the form G′n. Let N⊆G/ℤ be a proper submodule. Assume that for some a∈ℤ and n≥0 we have
apn+ℤ∈N. |
We may assume that gcd(a,pn)=1. Therefore there are α,β∈ℤ such that
1=αa+βpn. |
Now, since N is a ℤ-module we have
αapn+ℤ∈N |
and since 0+ℤ=β+ℤ=βpnpn+ℤ∈N we have that
1pn+ℤ=αa+βpnpn+ℤ∈N. |
Now, let m>0 be the smallest number, such that 1pm+ℤ∉N. What we showed is that
N=G′m-1=π(Gm-1), |
because for every 0≤n≤m-1 (and only for such n) we have 1pn+ℤ∈N and thus N is a image of a submodule of G, which is generated by 1pn and this is precisely Gm-1. Now let
N1⊇N2⊇N3⊇⋯ |
be a chain of submodules in G/ℤ. Then there are natural numbers n1,n2,… such that Ni=G′ni. Note that G′k⊇G′s if and only if k≥s. In particular we obtain a sequence
of natural numbers
n1≥n2≥n3≥⋯ |
This chain has to stabilize, which completes the proof. □
Title | example of an Artinian module which is not Noetherian |
Canonical name | ExampleOfAnArtinianModuleWhichIsNotNoetherian |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:04:18 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:04:18 |
Owner | joking (16130) |
Last modified by | joking (16130) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | joking (16130) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 16D10 |