example of a non-fully invariant subgroup
Every fully invariant subgroup is characteristic, but some characteristic subgroups need not be fully invariant. For example, the center of a group is characteristic but not always fully invariant. We pursue a single example.
Recall the dihedral group of order 2n, denoted D2n, can be considered as the symmetries
of a regular
n-gon. If we consider a regular hexagon, so n=6, and label the vertices counterclockwise from 1 to 6 we can then encode each symmetry as a permutation
on 6 points. So a rotation by π/3 can be encoded as the permutation ρ=(123456) and the reflection fixing the axis through the vertices 1 and 4 can be encoded as ϕ=(26)(35). Indeed these two permutations generate a permutation group
to D12.
The center of a dihedral group of order 2n is trivial if n is odd, and of order 2 if n>2 is even (if n=2 it is the entire group D4≅ℤ2⊕ℤ2, see the remark below). Specifically, if ρ is a rotation of order n, and n=2m, then ⟨ρm⟩ is the center of D2n. (Note this is the only rotation or order 2, and in particular it is always a rotation by π.) So when n=6, the center is ⟨(14)(25)(36)⟩.
Now fix n=6 and note the following assignment of generators determines an endomorphism
(123456)↦(26)(35),(26)(35)↦(14)(25)(36). |
Note that image K:=, as is central in and the generators of
are distinct elements of order . [This can be proved with the relations of the dihedral group.]
Remark 1.
Geometrically we note that the kernel of the homomorphism is – the group of rotations of order 3. So if we quotient by the kernel we are identifying the three inscribed (non-square) rectangles of the hexagon (1245, 2356 and 3461). The symmetry group of a non-square rectangle is none other than , sometimes called .
Of course the example applies without serious modification to the dihedral groups on -gons, where is odd. Here a generally offending endomorphism may be described with a composition of maps (the first leaves the center invariant, the second swaps the basis of the image of the first thus moving the image of the center):
As is odd and the center, , has order 2, it follows maps to under the first map, and then can be interchanged with a reflection to violate the condition of full invariance. If is even then the center lies in the kernel of the first map so no such trick can be played.
Title | example of a non-fully invariant subgroup |
Canonical name | ExampleOfANonfullyInvariantSubgroup |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:06:26 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:06:26 |
Owner | Algeboy (12884) |
Last modified by | Algeboy (12884) |
Numerical id | 7 |
Author | Algeboy (12884) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 20D99 |