examples of modules
This entry is a of examples of modules over rings. Unless otherwise specified in the example, M will be a module over a ring R.
Any abelian group
is a module over the ring of integers
, with action defined by n⋅g for g∈G given by n⋅g=∑ni=1g.
If R is a subring of a ring S, then S is an R-module, with action given by multiplication
in S.
If R is any ring, then any (left) ideal I of R is a (left) R-module, with action given by the multiplication in R.
Let R=ℤ and let E={2k∣k∈ℤ}. Then E is a module over the ring ℤ of integers. Further, define the sets B=E×E and C=E×{0} and D={0}×E. Then B, C, and D are modules over ℤ×ℤ, with action given by a⋅x=(a⋅x1,a⋅x2) if x=(x1,x2) even if the product is redefined as a⋅x1=0 and a⋅x2=0, but now the identity element
is (1,1). However by our new product definition a⋅x=(a⋅x1,a⋅x2)=(0,0) even if a=(1,1), the ring identity element originally In the more general definition of module which does not require an identity element 𝟏 in the ring and does not require 𝟏⋅m=m for all m∈M, we observe that 𝟏⋅m≠m in this example just constructed. (one of the purposes of this comment is to show that all modules need not be unital ones).
Yetter-Drinfel’d module. (http://planetmath.org/QuantumDouble)
Title | examples of modules |
Canonical name | ExamplesOfModules |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:36:28 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:36:28 |
Owner | mathcam (2727) |
Last modified by | mathcam (2727) |
Numerical id | 16 |
Author | mathcam (2727) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 16-00 |
Classification | msc 20-00 |
Classification | msc 13-00 |
Related topic | QuantumDouble |
Related topic | Module |