examples of symplectic manifolds
Examples of symplectic manifolds:
The most basic example of a symplectic manifold is ℝ2n. If we choose coordinate functions
x1,…,xn,y1,…yn, then
ω=n∑m=1dxm∧dym |
is a symplectic form, and one can easily check that it is closed.
Any orientable 2-manifold is symplectic. Any volume form
is a symplectic form.
If M is any manifold, then the cotangent bundle T*M is symplectic.
If x1,…,xn are coordinates on a coordinate patch U on M, and ξ1,…,ξn are the functions T*(U)→ℝ
ξi(m,η)=η(∂∂xi)(m) |
at any point (m,η)∈T*(M), then
ω=n∑i=1dxi∧dξi. |
(Equivalently, using the notation α from the entry Poincare 1-form, we can define ω=-dα.)
One can check that this behaves well under coordinate transformations, and thus defines a form on the whole manifold. One can easily check that this is closed and non-degenerate.
All orbits in the coadjoint action of a Lie group on the dual of it Lie algebra are symplectic. In particular, this includes complex Grassmannians and complex projective spaces.
Examples of non-symplectic manifolds: Obviously, all odd-dimensional manifolds are non-symplectic.
More subtlely, if M is compact, 2n dimensional and M is a closed 2-form, consider the form ωn. If this form is exact, then ωn must be 0 somewhere, and so ω is somewhere degenerate. Since the wedge of a closed and an exact form
is exact, no power ωm of ω can be exact. In particular, H2m(M)≠0 for all 0≤m≠n, for any compact symplectic manifold.
Thus, for example, Sn for n>2 is not symplectic. Also, this means that any symplectic manifold must be orientable.
Finally, it is not generally the case that connected sums of compact symplectic manifolds are again symplectic: Every symplectic manifold admits an almost complex structure
(a symplectic form and a Riemannian metric
on a manifold are sufficient to define an almost complex structure which is compatible with the symplectic form in a nice way). In the case of a connected sum of two symplectic manifolds, there does not necessarily exist such an almost complex structure, and hence connected sums cannot be (generically) symplectic.
Title | examples of symplectic manifolds |
Canonical name | ExamplesOfSymplecticManifolds |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:12:31 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:12:31 |
Owner | mathcam (2727) |
Last modified by | mathcam (2727) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | mathcam (2727) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 53D05 |