reduction of structure group
Given a fiber bundle p:E→B with typical fiber F and structure group G (henceforth called an (F,G)-bundle over B), we say that the bundle admits a reduction
of its structure group to H, where H<G is a subgroup
, if it is isomorphic
to an (F,H)-bundle over B.
Equivalently, E admits a reduction of structure group to H if there is
a choice of local trivializations covering E such that the transition
functions all belong to H.
Remark 1
Here, the action of H on F is the restriction of the G-action; in
particular, this means that an (F,H)-bundle is automatically an
(F,G)-bundle. The bundle isomorphism
in the definition then becomes meaningful
in the category of (F,G)-bundles over B.
Example 1
Let H be the trivial subgroup. Then, the existence of a reduction of structure group to H is equivalent to the bundle being trivial.
For the following examples, let E be an n-dimensional vector bundle, so that
F≅ℝn with G=GL(n,ℝ), the general linear group
acting as
Example 2
Set H=GL+(n,ℝ), the subgroup of GL(n,ℝ) consisting of matrices with positive determinant. A reduction to H is equivalent to an orientation of the vector bundle. In the case where B is a smooth manifold and E=TB is its tangent bundle, this coincides with other definitions of an orientation of B.
Example 3
Set H=O(n), the orthogonal group. A reduction to H is called a Riemannian or Euclidean structure on the vector bundle. It coincides with a continuous
fiberwise choice
of a positive definite
inner product, and for the case of the tangent bundle,
with the usual notion of a Riemannian metric on a manifold.
When B is paracompact, an argument with partitions of unity shows that
a Riemannian structure always exists on any given vector bundle. For this reason, it is often convenient to start out assuming the structure group
to be O(n).
Example 4
Let n=2m be even, and let H=GL(m,ℂ), the group of invertible complex matrices, embedded in GL(n,ℝ) by means of the usual identification of ℂ with ℝ2.
A reduction to H is called a complex structure on the vector bundle, and
it is equivalent to a continuous fiberwise choice of an endomorphism J satisfying J2=-I.
A complex structure on a tangent bundle is called an almost-complex structure on the manifold. This is to distinguish it from the more restrictive notion of a complex structure on a manifold, which requires the existence of an atlas with charts in ℂm such that the transition functions are holomorphic.
Example 5
Let H=GL(1,ℝ)×GL(n-1,ℝ), embedded in GL(n,ℝ) by (A,B)↦A⊕B. A reduction to H is equivalent to the existence of a splitting E≅E1⊕E2, where E1 is a line bundle. More generally, a reduction to GL(k,ℝ)×GL(n-k,ℝ) is equivalent to a splitting E≅E1⊕E2, where E1 is a k-plane bundle.
Remark 2
These examples all have two features in common, namely:
- •
a reduction to H is equivalent to a continuous fiber-by-fiber choice of a structure of the same kind.
For example, O(n) is the subgroup of GL(n,ℝ) which preserves the standard inner product of ℝn, and reduction of structure to O(n) is equivalent to a fiberwise choice of inner products.
This is not a coincidence. The intuition behind this is as follows. There is no obstacle to choosing a fiberwise inner product in a neighborhood of any given point x∈B: we simply choose a neighborhood U on which the bundle is trivial, and with respect to a trivialization p-1(U)≅ℝn×U, we can let the inner product on each p-1(y) be the standard inner product. However, if we make these choices locally around every point in B, there is no guarantee that they “glue together” properly to yield a global continuous choice, unless the transition functions preserve the standard inner product. But this is precisely what reduction of structure to O(n) means.
The same explanation holds for subgroups preserving other kinds of structure.
Title | reduction of structure group |
Canonical name | ReductionOfStructureGroup |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:26:06 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:26:06 |
Owner | antonio (1116) |
Last modified by | antonio (1116) |
Numerical id | 12 |
Author | antonio (1116) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 55R10 |
Related topic | VectorBundle |
Related topic | FiberBundle |
Defines | Euclidean structure |
Defines | Riemannian structure |
Defines | complex structure |
Defines | almost-complex structure |