filtration of σ-algebras
For an ordered set T, a filtration of σ-algebras ( (ℱt)t∈T is a collection
of σ-algebras on an underlying set Ω, satisfying ℱs⊆ℱt for all s<t in T. Here, t is understood as the time variable, taking values in the index set
T, and ℱt represents the collection of all events observable up until time t. The index set is usually a subset of the real numbers, with common examples being T=ℤ+ for discrete-time and T=ℝ+ for continuous-time scenarios.
The collection (ℱt)t∈T is a filtration on a measurable space
(Ω,ℱ) if ℱt⊆ℱ for every t. If, furthermore, there is a probability measure
defined on the underlying measurable space then this gives a filtered probability space.
The alternative notation (ℱt,t∈T) is often used for the filtration or, when the index set T is clear from the context, simply (ℱt) or 𝐅.
Filtrations are widely used for studying stochastic processes, where a process Xt with time ranging over the set T is said to be adapted to the filtration if Xt is an ℱt-measurable random variable
for each time t.
Conversely, any stochastic process (Xt)t∈T generates a filtration. Let ℱt be the smallest σ-algebra with respect to which Xs is measurable for all s≤t,
ℱt=σ(Xs:s≤t). |
This defines the smallest filtration to which X is adapted, known as the natural filtration of X.
Given a filtration, there are various limiting σ-algebras which can be defined. The values at plus and minus infinity are
ℱ∞=σ(⋃tℱt),ℱ-∞=⋂tℱt, |
which satisfy ℱ-∞⊆ℱt⊆ℱ∞. In continuous-time, when the index set is an interval of the real numbers, the left and right limits can be defined at any time. They are,
ℱt+=⋂s>tℱs,ℱt-=σ(⋃s<tℱs), |
except if t is the maximum of T it is often convenient to set ℱt+=ℱt or, if t is the minimum, ℱt-=ℱt. It is easily verified that ℱs⊆ℱs+⊆ℱt-⊆ℱt for all times s<t. Furthermore, (ℱt+) and (ℱt-) are themselves filtrations.
A filtration is said to be right-continuous if ℱt=ℱt+ for every t so, in particular, (ℱt+) is always the smallest right-continuous filtration larger than (ℱt).
Title | filtration of σ-algebras |
Canonical name | FiltrationOfsigmaalgebras |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:37:13 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:37:13 |
Owner | gel (22282) |
Last modified by | gel (22282) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | gel (22282) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 60G05 |
Synonym | filtration of sigma-algebras |
Related topic | FilteredProbabilitySpace |
Related topic | Filtration |
Defines | natural filtration |