free vector space over a set
In this entry we construct
the free vector space over a set, or
the vector space generated by a set [1].
For a set X, we shall denote this vector space by C(X).
One application of this construction is given in [2],
where the free vector space is used to define the tensor product
To define the vector space C(X), let us first define C(X) as a set. For a set X and a field 𝕂, we define
C(X) | = | {f:X→𝕂|f-1(𝕂\{0})is finite}. |
In other words, C(X) consists of functions f:X→𝕂
that are non-zero only
at finitely many points in X.
Here, we denote the identity element in 𝕂 by 1, and
the zero element
by 0.
The vector space structure for C(X)
is defined as follows. If f and g are
functions in C(X), then f+g is the mapping x↦f(x)+g(x).
Similarly, if f∈C(X) and α∈𝕂, then
αf is the mapping x↦αf(x). It is not difficult to
see that these operations are well defined, i.e., both f+g and
αf are again functions in C(X).
0.0.1 Basis for C(X)
If a∈X, let us define the function Δa∈C(X) by
Δa(x) | = | {1whenx=a,0otherwise. |
These functions form a linearly independent basis for C(X), i.e.,
C(X) | = | (1) |
Here, the space consists of all
finite linear combinations of elements in .
It is clear that any element in
is a member in .
Let us check the other direction. Suppose is a member in .
Then, let
be the distinct points in where is non-zero.
We then have
To see that the set is linearly independent, we need to show that its any finite subset is linearly independent. Let be such a finite subset, and suppose for some . Since the points are pairwise distinct, it follows that for all . This shows that the set is linearly independent.
Let us define the mapping , . This mapping gives a bijection between and the basis vectors . We can thus identify these spaces. Then becomes a linearly independent basis for .
0.0.2 Universal property of
The mapping is universal in the following sense. If is an arbitrary mapping from to a vector space , then there exists a unique mapping such that the below diagram commutes:
Proof. We define as the linear mapping that maps the basis elements of as . Then, by definition, is linear. For uniqueness, suppose that there are linear mappings such that . For all , we then have . Thus since both mappings are linear and the coincide on the basis elements.
W. Greub,
Linear Algebra
, Springer-Verlag, Fourth edition, 1975.
I. Madsen, J. Tornehave,
From Calculus to Cohomology
, Cambridge University press, 1997.
Title | free vector space over a set |
Canonical name | FreeVectorSpaceOverASet |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:34:34 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:34:34 |
Owner | mathcam (2727) |
Last modified by | mathcam (2727) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | mathcam (2727) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 15-00 |
Synonym | vector space generated by a set |
Related topic | TensorProductBasis |