fundamental theorem of demography, proof of
∙ First we will prove that there exist m,M>0 such that
m≤∥xk+1∥∥xk∥≤M | (1) |
for all k, with m and M of the sequence. In to show this we use the primitivity of the matrices Ak and A∞. Primitivity of A∞ implies that there exists l∈ℕ such that
Al∞≫0 |
By continuity, this implies that there exists k0 such that, for all k≥k0, we have
Ak+lAk+l-1⋯Ak≫0 |
Let us then write xk+l+1 as a function of xk:
xk+l+1=Ak+l⋯Akxk |
We thus have
∥xk+l+1∥≤Cl+1∥xk∥ | (2) |
But since the matrices Ak+l,…,Ak are strictly positive
for k≥k0, there exists a ε>0 such that each
of these matrices is superior or equal to
ε. From this we deduce that
∥xk+l+1∥≥ε∥xk∥ |
for all k≥k0. Applying (2), we then have that
Cl∥xk+1∥≥ε∥xk∥ |
which yields
∥xk+1∥≥εCl∥xk∥ |
for all k≥0, and so we indeed have (1).
∙ Let us denote by ek the (normalised) Perron eigenvector of
Ak. Thus
Akek=λkek ∥ek∥=1 |
Let us denote by πk the projection on the supplementary space of {ek} invariant by Ak. Choosing a proper norm, we can find ε>0 such that
|Akπk|≤(λk-ε) |
for all k. ∙ We shall now prove that
⟨e*k+1,xk+1⟩⟨e*k,xk⟩→λ∞ when k→∞ |
In order to do this, we compute the inner product of the sequence
xk+1=Akxk with the ek’s:
⟨e*k+1,xk+1⟩ | = | ⟨e*k+1-e*k,Akxk⟩+λk⟨e*k,xk⟩ | ||
= | o(⟨e*k,xk⟩)+λk⟨e*k,xk⟩ |
Therefore we have
⟨e*k+1,xk+1⟩⟨e*k,xk⟩=o(1)+λk |
∙ Now assume
uk=πkxk⟨e*k,xk⟩ |
We will verify that uk→0 when k→∞. We have
uk+1 | = | (πk+1-πk)Akxk⟨e*k+1,xk+1⟩+⟨e*k,xk⟩⟨e*k,xk+1⟩Akπkxk⟨e*k,xk⟩ |
and so
|uk+1|≤|πk+1-πk|C′+⟨e*k,xk⟩⟨e*k+1,xk+1⟩(λk-ε)|uk| |
We deduce that there exists k1≥k0 such that, for all k≥k1
|uk+1|≤δk+(λ∞-ε2)|uk| |
where we have noted
δk=(πk+1-πk)C′ |
We have δk→0 when t→∞, we thus finally deduce that
|uk|→0 when k→∞ |
Remark that this also implies that
zk=πkxk∥xk∥→0 when k→∞ |
∙ We have zk→0 when k→∞, and xk/∥xk∥ can be written
xk∥xk∥=αkek+zk |
Therefore, we have αkek→1 when k→∞, which implies that αk tends to 1, since we have chosen ek to be normalised (i.e.,∥ek∥=1).
We then can conclude that
xk∥xk∥→e∞ when k→∞ |
and the proof is done.
Title | fundamental theorem of demography, proof of |
Canonical name | FundamentalTheoremOfDemographyProofOf |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:24:42 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:24:42 |
Owner | aplant (12431) |
Last modified by | aplant (12431) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | aplant (12431) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 92D25 |
Classification | msc 37A30 |