positive element
Let H be a complex Hilbert space. Let T:H⟶H be a bounded operator
in H.
Definition - T is said to be a positive operator if there exists a bounded operator A:H⟶H such that
T=A*A |
where A* denotes the adjoint of A.
Every positive operator T satisfies the very strong condition ⟨Tv,v⟩≥0 for every v∈H since
⟨Tv,v⟩=⟨A*Av,v⟩=⟨Av,Av⟩=∥Av∥2≥0 |
The converse is also true, although it is not so to prove. Indeed,
0.1 Generalization to -algebras
The above notion can be generalized to elements in an arbitrary -algebra (http://planetmath.org/CAlgebra).
In what follows denotes a -algebra.
Definition - An element is said to be positive (and denoted ) if
for some element .
Positive elements are clearly self-adjoint (http://planetmath.org/InvolutaryRing).
0.2 Positive spectrum
It can be shown that the positive elements of are precisely the normal elements of with a positive spectrum. We it here as a theorem:
Theorem - Let and denote its spectrum. Then is positive if and only if is and .
0.3 Square roots
Positive elements admit a unique positive square root.
Theorem - Let be a positive element in . There is a unique such that
is positive
The converse is also true (with assumptions): If admits a square root then is positive, since
0.4 The positive cone
Another interesting fact about positive elements is that they form a proper convex cone (http://planetmath.org/Cone5) in , usually called the positive cone of . That is stated in following theorem:
Theorem - Let be positive elements in . Then
is also positive
is also positive for every
If both and are positive then .
0.5 Norm closure
Theorem - The set of positive elements in is norm closed.
Title | positive element |
Canonical name | PositiveElement |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:30:31 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:30:31 |
Owner | asteroid (17536) |
Last modified by | asteroid (17536) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | asteroid (17536) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 46L05 |
Classification | msc 47L07 |
Classification | msc 47A05 |
Synonym | positive |
Defines | positive operator |
Defines | positive cone |
Defines | square root of positive element |