ordered vector space
Let k be an ordered field. An ordered vector space over k is a vector space V that is also a poset at the same time, such that the following conditions are satisfied
for any u,v,w∈V, if u≤v then u+w≤v+w,
if 0≤u∈V and any 0<λ∈k, then 0≤λu.
Here is a property that can be immediately verified: u≤v iff λu≤λv for any 0<λ.
Also, note that 0 is interpreted as the zero vector of V, not the bottom element of the poset V. In fact, V is both topless and bottomless: for if ⊥ is the bottom of V, then ⊥≤0, or 2⊥≤⊥, which implies 2⊥=⊥ or ⊥=0. This means that 0≤v for all v∈V. But if v≠0, then 0<v or -v<0, a contradiction. V is topless follows from the implication
that if ⊥ exists, then ⊤=-⊥ is the top.
For example, any finite dimensional vector space over ℝ, and more generally, any (vector) space of real-valued functions on a given set S, is an ordered vector space. The natural ordering is defined by f≤g iff f(x)≤g(x) for every x∈S.
Properties. Let V be an ordered vector space and u,v∈V. Suppose u∨v exists. Then
(u+w)∨(v+w) exists and (u+w)∨(v+w)=(u∨v)+w for any vector w.
Let s=(u∨v)+w. Then u+w≤s and v+w≤s. For any upper bound t of u+w and v+w, we have u≤t-w and v≤t-w. So u∨v≤t-w, or (u∨v)+w≤t. So s is the least upper bound of u+w and v+w. ∎
u∧v exists and u∧v=(u+v)-(u∨v).
Let s=(u+v)-(u∨v). Since u≤u∨v, -(u∨v)≤-u, so s≤v. Similarly s≤u, so s is a lower bound of u and v. If t≤u and t≤v, then -u≤-t and -v≤-t, or v≤(u+v)-t and u≤(u+v)-t, or u∨v≤(u+v)-t, or t≤(u+v)-(u∨v)=s. Hence s the greatest lower bound
of u and v. ∎
λu∨λv exists for any scalar λ∈k, and
if λ≥0, then λu∨λv=λ(u∨v)
if λ≤0, then λu∨λv=λ(u∧v)
if u≠v, then the converse
holds for (a) and (b).
Assume λ≠0 (clear otherwise). (a). If λ>0, u≤u∨v implies λu≤λ(u∨v). Similarly, λv≤λ(u∨v). If λu≤t and λv≤t, then u≤λ-1t and v≤λ-1t, hence u∨v≤λ-1t, or λ(u∨v)≤t. Proof of (b) is similar
to (a). (c). Suppose λu∨λv=λ(u∨v) and λ<0. Set γ=-λ. Then λu∨λv=λ(u∨v)=-γ(u∨v)=-(γ(u∨v))=-(γu∨γv)=-((-λu)∨(-λv))=-(-(λv∧λu))=λv∧λu. This implies λu=λv, or u=v, a contradiction. ∎
Since an ordered vector space is just an abelian po-group under +, the first two properties above can be easily generalized to a po-group. For this generalization
, see this entry (http://planetmath.org/DistributivityInPoGroups).
A vector space V over ℂ is said to be ordered if W is an ordered vector space over ℝ, where V=W⊕iW (V is the complexification of W).
For any ordered vector space V, the set V+:= is called the positive cone of . is clearly a convex set. Also, since for any , , so is a convex cone. In addition
, since remains a cone, and , is a proper cone.
Given any vector space, a proper cone defiens a partial ordering on , given by if . It is not hard to see that the partial ordering so defined makes into an ordered vector space.
So, there is a one-to-one correspondence between proper cones of and partial orderings on making an ordered vector space.
Title | ordered vector space |
Canonical name | OrderedVectorSpace |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:37:24 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:37:24 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 20 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 46A40 |
Classification | msc 06F20 |
Synonym | ordered linear space |
Related topic | TopologicalLattice |
Defines | positive cone |