idempotent classifications
An a unital ring R, an idempotent e∈R is called a division idempotent
if eRe={ere:r∈R}, with the product
of R, forms a division ring.
If instead eRe is a local ring
– here this means a ring with a unique maximal
𝔪 where eRe/𝔪 a division ring – then
e is called a local idempotent.
Lemma 1.
Any integral domain R has only the trivial idempotents 0 and 1. In particular, every division ring has only trivial idempotents.
Suppose e∈R with e≠0 and e2=e=1e. Then by cancellation e=1. ∎
The integers are an integral domain which is not a division ring and they serve as a counter-example to many conjectures about idempotents of general rings as we will explore below. However, the first important result is to show the hierarchy of idempotents.
Theorem 2.
Every local ring R has only trivial idempotents 0 and 1.
Let 𝔪 be the unique maximal ideal of R. Then 𝔪
is the Jacobson radical of R. Now suppose e∈𝔪 is an
idempotent. Then 1-e must be left invertible (following the
element characterization of Jacobson radicals ( So there exists some
u∈R such that 1=u(1-e). However, this produces
e=u(1-e)e=u(e-e2)=u(e-e)=0. |
Thus every non-trivial idempotent e∈R lies outside 𝔪. As R/𝔪 is a division ring, the only idempotents are 0 and 1. Thus if e∈R, e≠0 is an idempotent then it projects to an idempotent of R/𝔪 and as e∉𝔪 it follows e projects onto 1 so that e=1+z for some z∈𝔪. As e2=e we find 0=z+z2 (often called an anti-idempotent). Once again as z∈𝔪 we know there exists a u∈R such that 1=u(1+z) and z=u(1+z)z=u(z+z2)=0 so indeed e=1. ∎
Corollary 3.
Every division idempotent is a local idempotent, and every local idempotent is a primitive idempotent.
Example 4.
Let R be a unital ring. Then in Mn(R) the standard idempotents are the matrices
Eii=[0⋱1⋱0],1≤i≤n. |
If R has only trivial idempotents (i.e.: 0 and 1) then each Eii is a primitive idempotent of Mn(R).
If R is a local ring then each Eii is a local idempotent.
If R is a division ring then each Eii is a division idempotent.
When R=R⊕R then (i) is not satisfied and consequently neither are (ii) and (iii). When R=Z then (i) is satisfied but not (ii) nor (iii). When R=R[[x]] – the formal power series ring over R – then (i) and (ii) are satisfied but not (iii). Finally when R=R then all three are satisfied.
A consequence of the Wedderburn-Artin theorems classifies all Artinian simple
as matrix rings over a division ring. Thus the primitive idempotents of an Artinian ring are all local idempotents. Without the Artinian assumption
this may fail as we have already seen with ℤ.
Title | idempotent classifications |
Canonical name | IdempotentClassifications |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:48:43 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:48:43 |
Owner | Algeboy (12884) |
Last modified by | Algeboy (12884) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | Algeboy (12884) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 16U99 |
Classification | msc 20M99 |
Defines | division idempotent |
Defines | local idempotent |