Jacobson radical of a module category and its power
Assume that k is a field and A is a k-algebra. The category
of (left) A-modules will be denoted by Mod(A) and HomA(X,Y) will denote the set of all A-homomorphisms
between A-modules X and Y. Of course HomA(X,Y) is an A-module itself and EndA(X)=HomA(X,X) is a k-algebra (even A-algebra) with composition as a multiplication
Let X and Y be A-modules. Define
radA(X,Y)={f∈HomA(X,Y)|∀g∈HomA(Y,X) 1X-gf is invertible in EndA(X)}. |
Definition. The Jacobson radical of a category Mod(A) is defined as a class
radMod(A)=⋃X,Y∈Mod(A)radA(X,Y).□ |
Properties. 1) The Jacobson radical is an ideal in Mod(A), i.e. for any X,Y,Z∈Mod(A), for any f∈radA(X,Y), any h∈HomA(Y,Z) and any g∈HomA(Z,X) we have hf∈radA(X,Z) and fg∈radA(Z,X). Additionaly radA(X,Y) is an A-submodule of HomA(X,Y).
2) For any A-module X we have radA(X,X)=rad(EndA(X)), where on the right side we have the classical Jacobson radical.
3) If X,Y are both indecomposable A-modules such that both EndA(X) and EndA(Y) are local algebras (in particular, if X and Y are finite dimensional), then
radA(X,Y)={f∈HomA(X,Y)|f is not an isomorphism}. |
In particular, if X and Y are not isomorphic, then radA(X,Y)=HomA(X,Y). □
Let n∈ℕ and let f∈HomA(X,Y). Assume there is a sequence of A-modules X=X0,X1,…,Xn-1,Xn=Y and for any 0≤i≤n-1 we have an A-homomorphism fi∈radA(Xi,Xi+1) such that f=fn-1fn-2⋯f1f0. Then we will say that f is n-factorizable through Jacobson radical.
Definition. The n-th power of a Jacobson radical of a category Mod(A) is defined as a class
radnMod(A)=⋃X,Y∈Mod(A)radnA(X,Y), |
where radnA(X,Y) is an A-submodule of HomA(X,Y) generated by all homomorphisms n-factorizable through Jacobson radical. Additionaly define
rad∞A(X,Y)=∞⋂n=1radnA(X,Y)□ |
Properties. 0) Obviously radA(X,Y)=rad1A(X,Y) and for any n∈ℕ we have
radnA(X,Y)⊇rad∞A(X,Y). |
1) Of course each radnA(X,Y) is an A-submodule of HomA(X,Y) and we have following sequence of inclusions:
HomA(X,Y)⊇rad1A(X,Y)⊇rad2A(X,Y)⊇rad3A(X,Y)⊇⋯ |
2) If both X and Y are finite dimensional, then there exists n∈ℕ such that
rad∞A(X,Y)=radnA(X,Y). |
Title | Jacobson radical of a module category and its power |
Canonical name | JacobsonRadicalOfAModuleCategoryAndItsPower |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:02:23 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:02:23 |
Owner | joking (16130) |
Last modified by | joking (16130) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | joking (16130) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 16N20 |