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Kenosymplirostic numbers

So, basically. I am now introducing a new number system called kenosymplirostic numbers. It is a type of number that you get when dividing by 0. So, what does kenosymplirostic mean? The name comes from two Greek words, ”keno” meaning ”gap” and ”sympliroste” meaning ”fill”. These numbers fill the gap that was left open, the gap people thought will never be closed.

Here is how it works:


The value of the numerator is the coefficient of ”kenosym unit” k.

So, what about 0/0?

The thing is, it will be 0. Why? Because 0*k(the kenosym unit) is still 0 by definition.

And now, we talk about its place in the complex planeMathworldPlanetmath, or with the addition of kenosyymplirostic numbers, the complex space. It will go through the complex plane where it will meet in 0, the origin of real, imaginary and kenosymplirostic numbers.


So, let’s say we have:


It will be equal to:


Which will be


This means that subtraction is just the same, as we treat 0 as a normal numberMathworldPlanetmath.


So, let’s say we have:


That would mean 3/0 * 5/0 which will be 15/0 or 15k. (K IS NOT TREATED AS A VARIABLE) Kenosymplirostic numbers cannot be divided since it will always equal to 0 per the properties of dividing fractions.


The kenosym unit k acts like the real number 1, where k to the power of any number n is k. kenosym numbers with coefficients will just raise the coefficient to that power and just copy the kenosym unit k.


Only integers coefficients are allowed since there cant be a fourth dimension in the complex space and to avoiid many numbers having the same kenosym.

Axioms: Addition: a+b=b+a (Commutativity)

a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c (Associativity)

a+0=a (Identity elementMathworldPlanetmath exists)

a+(−a)=0 (InverseMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath exists)


ab=ba (Commutativity)

a(bc)=(ab)c (Associativity)

a*1=a (Identity element exists)

Distributive Property:

a(b+c)=ab+ac Shoutouts: Herve Arki from the Mathematics G+ community for bringing up an issue. :)

As of now, there are some paradoxes that might arise, but I will resolve all once I gain more knowledge. Also, if someone would help suggest to me a better kenosym unit, You can comment below this article.

Title Kenosymplirostic numbers
Canonical name KenosymplirosticNumbers
Date of creation 2014-10-11 21:53:52
Last modified on 2014-10-11 21:53:52
Owner imaginary.i (1001376)
Last modified by imaginary.i (1001376)
Numerical id 6
Author imaginary.i (1001376)
Entry type Definition
Synonym numbers
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Defines Kenosymplirostic numbers