numeration system
A numeration system is a triple N=(b,Σ,d), where b>1 is a positive integer, Σ is a non-empty alphabet, and d is a one-to-one function from Σ to the set of non-negative integers ℕ∪{0}. Order elements of Σ so that their values are in increasing order:
Σ={a1,…,ak}, where d(ai)<d(ai+1) for i=1,…,k-1.
b is called the base of numeration system N, and the elements a1,…,ak the digits of N. Words over Σ are called numeral words.
Given a numeral word u=c1⋯cm with cj∈Σ, the integer non-negative n is said to be represented by u if
n=c1bm-1+⋯+cjbm-j+⋯+cm. |
An integer n is said to be representable in N if there is a numeral word u representing n.
The most common numeration system is the decimal system:
D=(10,{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},d) where d(i)=i is the identity function.
Just as common is the binary digital system: B=(2,{0,1},d) where d again is the identity function.
In fact, any digital system is a numeration system (n,Σ,d), where Σ={a0,…,an-1} and d(ai)=i.
Consider the system B1=(2,{1},d), where d(1)=1. Since any word over {1} is just a string of 1’s, n consecutive strings of 1 represent 1+2+⋯+2n-1=2n-1. We conclude that the integers representable by N have the form 2n-1 for any positive integer n.
Consider the system
D1=(10,{[0],[1],…,[9],[10],[100],[1000],[10000],[10000000],[10000000000]},d) where d([i])=i. It is easy to see that every integer is representable by D1. However, some integers may be represented by more than one numeral words. For example,
[1000]=[100][0]=[10][0][0]=[1][0][0][0]. The numeration system D1 is used by the Chinese.
Consider the system N=(3,{[1],[2],[4]},d) where d([i])=i. Then [2][1][4][1]=2×33+1×32+4×3+1=184. Notice that 0 can not be represented N. Also, note that [4]=4=1×3+1=[1][1].
A numeration system N is said to be complete if every non-negative integer has at least one representation in N; and unambiguous if every non-negative integer has at most one representation in N. N is ambiguous if N is not unambiguous. Every digital system is complete and unambiguous. In the examples above, D1 is complete but ambiguous; B1 is unambiguous but not complete; N is neither complete nor unambiguous.
Remark. Representation non-negative integers by a numeration system can be extended to rational numbers. The corresponding concepts of completeness and ambiguity may be defined similarly.
- 1 A. Salomaa Computation and Automata, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 25. Cambridge (1985).
Title | numeration system |
Canonical name | NumerationSystem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:57:46 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:57:46 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 11A67 |
Synonym | numeral system |
Synonym | number system |
Related topic | Base3 |
Defines | base |
Defines | digit |
Defines | complete numeration system |
Defines | unambiguous numeration system |
Defines | ambiguous numeration system |