local finiteness is closed under extension, proof that
Let G be a group and N a normal subgroup of G
such that N and G/N are both locally finite
We aim to show that G is locally finite.
Let F be a finite subset of G.
It suffices to show that F is contained in a finite subgroup of G.
Let R be a set of coset representatives of N in G, chosen so that 1∈R. Let r:G/N→R be the function mapping cosets to their representatives, and let s:G→N be defined by s(x)=r(xN)-1x for all x∈G. Let π:G→G/N be the canonical projection. Note that for any x∈G we have x=r(xN)s(x).
Put A=r(⟨π(F)⟩), which is finite as G/N is locally finite. Let B=s(F∪AA∪A-1), let C=B∪B-1 and let
D={a-1ca∣a∈A and c∈C}⊆N. |
Put H=⟨D⟩, which is finite as N is locally finite. Note that 1∈A⊆R and 1∈B⊆C⊆D⊆H≤N.
For any a1,a2∈A we have a1a2=r(a1a2N)s(a1a2)∈AB.
Note that D-1=D,
and so every element of H is a product of elements of D.
So any element of the form a-1ha, where a∈A and h∈H,
is a product of elements of the form a-1a-11ca1a
for a1∈A and c∈C;
but a1a=a2b for some a2∈A and b∈B,
so a-1ha is a product of elements of the form
and therefore a-1ha∈H.
We claim that AH≤G.
Let a1,a2∈A and h1,h2∈H.
We have (a1h1)(a2h2)=a1a2(a-12h1a2)h2.
But, by the previous paragraph, a1a2∈AB and a-12h1a2∈H,
so a1a2(a-12h1a2)h2∈ABHH⊆AH.
Also, (a1h1)-1=h-11a-11∈Ha-11.
But a-11=r(a-11N)s(a-11)∈AB,
so Ha-11⊆HAB⊆AHAH⊆AH.
Thus (AH)-1⊆AH.
It follows that AH is a subgroup of G, and it is clearly finite.
For any x∈F we have x=r(xN)s(x)∈AB.
So F⊆AH, which completes the proof.
Title | local finiteness is closed under extension |
Canonical name | LocalFinitenessIsClosedUnderExtensionProofThat |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:36:53 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:36:53 |
Owner | yark (2760) |
Last modified by | yark (2760) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | yark (2760) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 20F50 |
Related topic | LocallyFiniteGroup |