Let R be a ring. A subset S of R is called an m-system if
S≠∅, and
for every two elements x,y∈S, there is an element r∈R such that xry∈S.
m-Systems are a generalization of multiplicatively closet subsets in a ring. Indeed, every multiplicatively closed subset of R is an m-system: any x,y∈S, then xy∈S, hence xyy∈S. However, the converse
is not true. For example, the set
{rn∣r∈R and n is an odd positive integer} |
is an m-system, but not multiplicatively closed in general (unless, for example, if r=1).
Remarks. m-Systems and prime ideals of a ring are intimately related. Two basic relationships between the two notions are
An ideal P in a ring R is a prime ideal iff R-P is an m-system.
P is prime iff xRy⊆P implies x or y∈P, iff x,y∈R-P implies that there is r∈R with xry∉P iff R-P is an m-system. ∎
Given an m-system S of R and an ideal I with I∩S=∅. Then there exists a prime ideal P⊆R with the property that P contains I and P∩S=∅, and P is the largest among all ideals with this property.
Let 𝒞 be the collection
of all ideals containing I and disjoint from S. First, I∈𝒞. Second, any chain K of ideals in 𝒞, its union ⋃K is also in 𝒞. So Zorn’s lemma applies. Let P be a maximal element
in 𝒞. We want to show that P is prime. Suppose otherwise. In other words, aRb⊆P with a,b∉P. Then ⟨P,a⟩ and ⟨P,b⟩ both have non-empty intersections
with S. Let
c=p+fag∈⟨P,a⟩∩S where and . Then there is such that . But this implies that
as well, contradicting . Therefore, is prime. ∎
-Systems are also used to define the non-commutative version of the radical of an ideal of a ring.
Title | -system |
Canonical name | Msystem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:29:09 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:29:09 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 11 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 16U20 |
Classification | msc 13B30 |
Synonym | m-system |
Related topic | MultiplicativelyClosed |
Related topic | NSystem |
Related topic | PrimeIdeal |