A problem π∈𝒩𝒫 is 𝒩𝒫 if for any π′∈𝒩𝒫 there is a Cook reduction of π′ to π. Hence if π∈𝒫 then every 𝒩𝒫 problem would be in 𝒫. A slightly stronger definition requires a Karp reduction or Karp reduction of corresponding decision problems as appropriate.
A search problem R is NP hard if for any R′∈𝒩𝒫 there is a Levin reduction of R′ to R.
Title | NP-complete |
Canonical name | NPcomplete |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:01:49 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:01:49 |
Owner | Henry (455) |
Last modified by | Henry (455) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | Henry (455) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 68Q15 |
Synonym | NP complete |
Synonym | NP hard |
Defines | NP-hard |